The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.

The HECToR Archiver is now Read Only. Please use the UK Research Data Facility (UK-RDF) for long term data storage. Instructions are provided below to help you list and retrieve data from the Archiver.

This section provides instructions on managing access to your archives by other users and groups.

Grant Access to your archives with cresgrant

This command will grant and revoke access to your archives to other users and groups in the system.

Command usage

The cresgrant command takes one of the following forms:

cresgrant -u [user] | -g [group]
cresgrant -r -u [user] | -g [group]
cresgrant -l

with the options:

list access grants
grant/revoke access to a user
grant/revoke access to a group
revoke access grant (specified by other options)
who has granted access to me


List my access grants

archie$ cresgrant -l

Type   User/Group Name
-----  --------------------------------
Group  y01
Group  y02
User   barney

List who has granted access to me

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -w

The following users have granted you access to their archives:

Grant access to a user

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -u auser

Granted access to user "auser".

Grant access to a group

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -g y09

Granted access to group "y09".

Revoke access for a user

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -r -u auser

Revoked access for user "auser".

Revoke access for a group

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -r -g y09

Revoked access for group "y09".

cresgrant errors

Errors you may see when using cresgrant.

No granted access:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -w

Nobody has granted you access to their archives.

Unknown user:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -u cuser

User "cuser" does not exist.

Revoking access for user who has not had access granted:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresgrant -r -u buser

You have not previously granted access to user "buser".