The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.

The HECToR Archiver is now Read Only. Please use the UK Research Data Facility (UK-RDF) for long term data storage. Instructions are provided below to help you list and retrieve data from the Archiver.

This section describes how to archive a particular file or directory manually without the need to copy it to the scheduled archiving directories. This is done using the cresarc command.

Manually Creating an Archive

In addition to the ARCH, and ARCH2 areas, you can use the cresarc command to archive files manually. This command will archive the files once or twice, depending on the command line option (default is two copies), and then delete the original data.

You can only archive files that are stored on the HECToR "work" filesystem.

Command Usage

The syntax for the cresarc command is:

cresarc [-1|-2] [-v] [-k "keyword"] file|directory

where the options are:

Make one copy of the data in the archive and then delete.
Make two copies of the data in the archive and then delete (default).
Any keyword that you want to associate with this data in the archive.
Verbose progress of job.

Note: file|directory should be an absolute path on the "work" filesystem. For example, if you want to archive the file "my_data.dat" in the "/work/x01/x01/user/my_results" directory you should refer to the file as "/work/x01/x01/user/my_results/my_data.dat" in the archiver command.


Simple Archiving

If you want to archive a sub-directory called "my_results" in your root directory on the "work" filesystem you would use the command:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc /work/x01/x01/user/my_results

Successful "/work/x01/x01/user/my_results"
Archive successful.

The files in the folder are archived and then deleted from the "work" filesystem:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> ls /work/x01/x01/user/my_results/

/bin/ls: /work/x01/x01/user/my_results: No such file or directory

Archiving with Keywords

The -k "keyword" option to cresarc allows you to associate keywords with particular archived data. For example:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc -k "first production run" \

Successful "/work/x01/x01/user/my_results"
Archive successful.

This would archive the data in the "my_results" sub-directory and associate the keywords "first", "production" and "run" with the data on the archiver.

Single Archive

The -1 option to cresarc allows you to archive data without a second archive.

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc -1 /work/x01/x01/user/my_results/

Archive successful (this archive was NOT duplicated and is at higher risk of loss).

cresarc Error Messages

If you do not give an absolute path; a file does not exist; or is not in your "work" filesystem then the archive command will fail with the following messages:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc my_data.dat

Path "my_data.dat" should be absolute.

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc /etc/group

Path "/etc/group" is not in your /work directory.

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc /work/x01/x01/another/their_results

Archive Failed - permission to backup "/work/x01/x01/another/their_results" denied.
Owner of /work/x01/x01/another is another but you are user.

If a quota is exceeded an error is generated and the data is not deleted from the source directory. If multiple files/directories were included in the archive none of them will be archived.

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresarc /work/x01/x01/user/my_results/

Archive Failed - Insufficient Quota Available