The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.

The HECToR Archiver is now Read Only. Please use the UK Research Data Facility (UK-RDF) for long term data storage. Instructions are provided below to help you list and retrieve data from the Archiver.

This section describes the process of expiring (removing) archived data using the cresexpire command.

Expiring Files from the Archive

If you have archived data that is no longer required you can remove it from the archiver using the cresexpire command. This frees up archive quota for use in the future. Please note that this action is terminal - YOU CANNOT RECOVER EXPIRED FILES.

Command Usage

The cresexpire command takes the following form:

cresexpire [-s mm/dd/yyyy [HH:MM:SS]] [-e mm/dd/yyyy  [HH:MM:SS]]
           [-k "keyword"] file|directory

with options:

Only expire archives made between these dates.
Only expire archives with this keyword.

If file|directory is omitted then all your archived data will be expired. You will be asked to confirm this operation before the action is performed.

If you expire a subset of the files within an archive set (i.e. an archive created with a particular run of the scheduled archiver or a single cresarc command) then you will not recover any quota for use in the future. If you try to perform this action you will get a warning and you will be given the option to delete the other files from this set to release the quota. If you elect not to delete the entire set then no data will be expired.

Examples of use

Expire data archived within a specific date/time range

This can be done using the -s and -e options to the cresexpire command. For example:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresexpire -s 10/21/2009 14:38 -e 10/21/2009 14:38

Archive 10/21/2009 14:38:43 will be expired
Please wait .... done

Expire data archived with a specific keyword

Use the -k option to specify the keyword associated with the archived data that you want to expire. Wildcards can be included in the keyword. For example:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresexpire -k with*

Archive 10/21/2009 14:36:21 will be expired
Please wait .... done

Triying to expire a subset of archived data

You can only expire complete archive sets. If you try to expire a subset of archived data you will recieve a warning and be given the option to expire the entire set. For example:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresexpire /work/x01/x01/user/folder/4

Archive from 10/21/2009 14:34:10 contains more files than this:
Do you want to expire ALL these files (y/n): n
Expire failed - Failed to Expire.

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresexpire /work/x01/x01/user/folder/4

Archive from 10/21/2009 14:34:10 contains more files than this:
Do you want to expire ALL these files (y/n): y
Please wait .... done

Expiring all archived data

This is done by specifying your root directory on the HECToR "work" filesystem as the only argument to cresexpire. You will be prompted to confirm this action. For example:

user@nid00012:/work/x01/x01/user> cresexpire /work/x01/x01/user/

Archive 10/21/2009 15:40:13 will be expired
That would expire EVERYTHING. Are you SURE? (y/n): y
Please wait .... done