The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.

HECToR Quad Core Upgrade

We are pleased to announce that the Phase2a quad core upgrade is now ready to commence.

The Cray XT4 part of HECToR currently has 5,664 dual core processors (i.e. 11,328 cores) each with 6GB of memory (3GB per core). The upgrade will take place in two parts. During the first part half the current number of dual core processors will be available to users (2,832 processors; 5,664 cores). During the second part the same number of newly installed quad core processors will be available (11,328 cores). Once the upgrade is complete the machine will consist of 5,664 quad core processors each with 8GB of memory, or 22,656 cores with 2GB each. Note that the dual and quad core processors will never be functional concurrently, so there should be no confusion regarding which type of processor your jobs will be running on during the upgrade.

Upgrade Timeline

This timeline will be updated as and when there are any changes to the plan. These dates are subject to change. Outages 2 and 3 may be brought forward if work progresses ahead of plan. We will notify users as soon as possible if the dates are expected to change.

Outage 1: Mon 08 June 1000-1800

HECToR will be restored at 50% capacity e.g. a 30-cabinet dual core system (plus X2).

Outage 2: Thu 18 June 0900 - Friday 19 June 1500

HECToR will be restored as a 30-cabinet quad core system (plus X2).

At this stage user accounting will be disabled. Jobs will be recorded but you will not be charged. Accounting will remain disabled until such time that the acceptance testing is completed (estimated mid July).

Outage 3: Friday 26 June 1200 - Mon 29 June 1200

Please note the change in dates/times from those originally published

HECToR will be restored as a 60 cabinet quad core system (plus X2). User accounting remains disabled at this stage.

Preparing for Quad Core

Details for preparing for quad core are available here.

Any users requiring assistance should contact the HECToR Helpdesk.
