The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.

11. Grid Computing

HECToR is a member of both the UK National Grid Service and the Europe-wide supercomputing initiative PRACE. The system supports the following services from the Globus Grid middleware stack.

GRAM jobmanager (fork)
GRAM jobmanager (pbs) (port 2222)
Grid-FTP (RDF file-systems only)

Note that HECToR does not import the standard NGS VO list. Before you can use globus you must first register your certificate DN for use on the system. This is done via the SAFE. Select the login account you wish to use from the "Your Accounts" section of the main page. Then use the "Add" button in the Globus Certificate mappings section.

In order to use the globus command line tools you first need to load the globus module. If you need to transfer large amounts of data using Grid-FTP it is better to initiate these from a remote host rather than running globus-url-copy on the login nodes.

10. Software on HECToR | Contents | 12. Further reading