The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.


Useful Links


GAMESS is licensed software. See GAMESS License Agreement

All HECToR users have access to the GAMESS binaries. If you would like access to the HECToR-specific GAMESS source code then please (contact the HECToR Helpdesk).


To run GAMESS you need to add the correct module. The current build of GAMESS on HECToR is dated 1/10/2010:

module add gamess-us

will give you access to the GAMESS binary and the rungms script that is needed to run the job.

Note: The rungms script has been modified from the standard one to enable efficient running on the Cray architecture. The script depends on the $GAMESS_HOME (location of the bin/ and common/ directories) and the $SCRATCH environment variable being set before the script is called. The $GAMESS_HOME variable is set by the module but you must specify the $SCRATCH variable in your job submission script to point to a directory on the /work filesystem that you have write access to (an example of how to do this is shown below in the example job submission script).

Note: You must use less than 32 cores per node for GAMESS to function correctly. We recommend using 16 cores per node on HECToR phase 3 (see example job submission script below).

An example GAMESS job submission script is shown below.

#!/bin/bash --login
#PBS -N gamess_job
#PBS -l mppwidth=1024
#PBS -l mppnppn=32
#PBS -l walltime=03:00:00
# Change this to your account code
#PBS -A z01

# Move to directory that script was submitted from
export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $PBS_O_WORKDIR)

module add gamess-us

# Set the number of threads to 1
#   This prevents any system libraries from automatically 
#   using threading.

# This should be done for performance

# You must set the SCRATCH environment variable for the job to run
export SCRATCH=$PBS_O_WORKDIR/scratch

# "rungms" takes five options
#     1) The name of your input file (without ".inp")
#     2) The type of binary (use "asis" on HECToR)
#     3) The number of cores in total
#     4) The number of cores per node (must be less than 32, we recommend using 16 cores per node)
#     5) The number of cores per NUMA region (if using 16 cores per node, this would be 4)
rungms my_job asis 512 16 4

If you wish to keep the files in $SCRATCH when your job completes (for debugging or to use to continue runs) you should substitute the rungms script for rungms-keepscr.
