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NWChem Workshop

EPCC, Edinburgh, Scotland
13 - 14 June 2011

NWChem is a computational chemistry package that can be used to perform electronic structure calculations on molecular and periodic systems as well as classical molecular dynamics simulations.

This workshop is aimed at new and experienced users of NWChem. Basic knowledge of computational chemistry is desirable. The workshop will be a mix of morning lectures and afternoon hands-on tutorials where participants will have the opportunity to explore the various capabilities as well as interact with NWChem developers. Users and developers interested in developing and implementing new capabilities in NWChem are also welcome. The material will be taught by two NWChem developers from the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

Registration is free of charge and open to all.

More information on the workshop programme and the online registration form can be found at:

Further information on the NWChem package can be found at:
