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Advanced MPI

Description: MPI (Message Passing Interface) is the de facto standard for parallel programming, defining how concurrent processes can communicate and hence work together to complete a given task in a shorter time. This course builds on the Introduction to MPI course, exploring some more advanced but potentially very useful topics: Cartesian topologies, MPI derived data types, user-defined binary operators, groups and communicators. Each section of the course is supported by practical exercises.

Aimed at: Anyone interested in a fuller understanding of the capabilities of MPI.

Prerequisites: Attendees must already be familar with the content of the Introduction to MPI course, i.e. with the use of point-to-point and collective communication. Attendees should be able to program in either Fortran or C and be familiar with working in a UNIX environment (i.e., you should be able to connect to a machine remotely, use basic UNIX commands, edit a source file and understand the elementary steps in compiling object files and creating executables).

Duration: 1 day.

After Course Attendees Will: Be familiar with some of the more advanced features of MPI and in a position to take the One-sided MPI Communication and MPI-IO course.

Registration: To register for HECToR courses go to the booking form.