The HECToR Service is now closed and has been superceded by ARCHER.

HECToR Monthly Report, July 2008

Information on the utilisation, disk allocations, slowdowns and helpdesk statistics can be found in the associated SAFE monthly report.

Dates covered: 08:00 1 July 2008 to 08:00 1 August 2008
Number of hours: 720

1: Availability

Scheduled down time: 11 hours 37 minutes.


The following incidents were recorded:


Of the four severity levels, level 1 corresponds to a contractual failure.

Details of severity level 1 incidents

ID Date Description Length Attribution
Incident-291 01/07/2008 Lustre failure after loss of OSS node 05:15 Cray
Incident-295 03/07/2008 Lustre fail after SCSI errors 03:50 Cray
Incident-297 06/07/2008 HSN collapse after compute node failure 03:18 Cray
Incident-311 13/07/2008 Machine fail after RX Packet error 01:55 Cray
Incident-320 21/07/2008 Fatal link error 02:19 Cray
Incident-324 24/07/2008 OST node failed after SCSI error 06:44 Cray
Incident-336 31/07/2008 OST 16 failed leading to utter collapse. 04:28 Cray

MTBF and Serviceability

Site0 ~ 00:00:00100%
External0 ~ 00:00:00100%
Other0 ~ 00:00:00100%
  • Note 1: Serviceability%= 100*(WCT-SDT-UDT)/(WCT-SDT)
  • Note 2: MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) is defined as 732/Number of failures.

2: Courses

This information is supplied by NAG Ltd

Title of Course Dates Available places Total attending HECToR Users HECToR Staff
14 July 2008 Introduction to HECToR 20 3 2 0
18 July 2008 Introduction to HECToR 12 3 2 0
21-23 July 2008 Tools and Techniques for Optimising Parallel Codes 12 1 0 0

There was a course on Testing and Benchmarking scheduled for 18 July but there was no take-up.

3: Quality tokens

None set this month

4: Hours worked

GroupDays workedFTEs
USL76.3 4.3
OSG 65 3.7

5: Performance metrics

Technology Provision

Description TSL FSL Value
Technology reliability 85% 98.5% 96.2%
Technology throughput 7000 hours 8367 hours 8311 hours
Capability job completion rate 70% 90% 91 %
Technology MTBF 100 hours 126.4 hours 105 hours

Note: Technology throughput is calculated: 12*(732-UDT-SDT); 732 - annual average number of hours in a month

Note: MTBF is calculated as 732/number of failures

Service Provision

Description TSL FSL USL Value
Percentage of non-in-depth
queries resolved within one day
85% 97% 99% 100%
Number of SP FTEs 7.3 8.0 8.7 8.0
SP serviceability 80% 99% 99.5% 100%