This section provides an outline on how HECToR may be able to help you; details on the software that runs on the HECToR Supercomputer; and the different ways of getting access to the Facility.
How can HECToR help me?
HECToR can make a difference to many projects whether they traditionally use advanced computing or not.
Examples of how people use the HECToR Facility…
Available Software
The HECToR Supercomputer has a wide range of software installed from the basic, underlying system libraries, operating system and tools; through compilers, parallel and numerical libraries; all the way up to fully-featured applications and simulation packages. This section provides more information on the specifics of this software.
More details on the software that is currently installed on the HECToR Supercomputer…
Getting Access to HECToR
The procedure for applying for access to the HECToR Facility differs depending on whether you are a UK, European or other academic researcher; or work for a commercial organisation. This section provides more information on how to apply for access to the HECToR facility for all applicants.