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3. Multigrids

In order to solve a system of linear equations, typically one of the following two classes of solvers is used.
  1. Direct methods
  2. Iterative methods

Direct methods originate from Gaussian elimination, they have a limited application field and determine the solution at machine precision accuracy with optimal performance of $O({n}^{2}log({n}))$ [7] where n is the number of equations/unknowns in the linear system.

Iterative methods have wider field of applications with Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Conjugate Gradient being the most popular amongst others. However, attempts to overcome the unconvincing time efficiency of these methods resulted in an extension to iterative methods called multigrid methods.

3.1 Multigrid Methods

Multigrid (MG) methods are a branch of numerical analysis and comprise of algorithms for systems of linear equations typically obtained after the discretization of partial differential equations. Elliptic partial differential equations are the prime candidates for the multigrid algorithms/applications. These algorithms employ a hierarchy of discretizations at more than one level of underlying grid. The purpose of these algorithms is that at multiple grid levels, called multigrids, they accelerate the rate of convergence. This acceleration is achieved by employing a number of steps in a specific order and includes:
  1. Relaxation/Correction of the global solution by solving a coarse grid problem
    Helps reduce high frequency errors by employing Gauss-Seidel like iterative methods, beginning at the finest grid and gradually moving down to the coarsest grid where it becomes a coarse grid problem.

  2. Restriction/Projection of the residual vector of the current approximation from a fine grid to a coarse grid
    Restricts/Projects down the residual vector to a coarse grid by employing some form of averaging, for example.

  3. Prolongation/Interpolation of the approximation to a residual vector from a coarse grid to a fine grid
    Prolongates/Interpolates an approximation to the residual (error) at the coarse grid to a fine grid and is used for correction there.

These three steps are building blocks or components of any multigrid algorithm and each of these component is briefly described below.

3.1.1 Relaxation/Correction

It has been established [4] that many standard iterative methods possess the smoothing property. This property makes these methods very effective at eliminating the high frequency or oscillatory components of the error and leaves the low frequency or smooth (less oscillatory) components relatively unchanged. These iterative methods can be further improved to handle error components of all types equally effectively. Towards this end, relaxation schemes can be improved by using a good initial guess. A well known technique to obtain a good initial guess is to perform a few preliminary iterations on a coarse grid. As there are fewer unknowns on a coarse grid, relaxation is less expensive and the rate of convergence on a coarse grid is marginally better as well [4]. Further, a coarse grid solver also takes advantage of the fact that smooth or low frequency components of error on a fine grid take the form of oscillatory or high frequency components of error on a relatively coarse grid. In other words, when a relaxation scheme on a fine grid begins to stall due to smooth error modes, it is the time to move to the coarse grid where these error modes appear more oscillatory and the relaxation scheme becomes more effective. A combined effect of this, along with other MG components, results in a substantial improvement to the rate of convergence of the global problem.

In this context, consider the following steps:

This procedure outlines the correction scheme. Theoretically, relaxation is employed on a fine grid to approximate the solution until convergence stagnates or deteriorates. In practice, relaxation is applied only for a few steps instead of waiting for convergence to stagnate or deteriorate. This helps optimise MG schemes. However, the optimal choice of the number of steps that relaxation is applied may vary for different problems. Relaxation is then applied to the residual equation on the coarse grid to get the approximation to the error itself which is then used to correct the solution approximation already obtained on fine grid. This fine grid and coarse grid scenario when extended to more than at least two grid levels refers to multigrid and requires transferring the residual vector to multiple levels in the grid hierarchy, from the finest grid to the coarsest grid via intermediate grids. The same procedure is required to transfer approximations to the residual (error) but in a reverse order, from coarsest grid to finest grid. These inter-grid transfer procedures are referred as restriction/projection and prolongation/interpolation respectively.

As improvements to prolongation and restriction operators (along with the mesh refinement) are topics of study planned for phase 3 (the next phase) within this project, these are not discussed here except the description of the basic functionality of each of these operators for the sake of completeness.

3.1.2 Prolongation/Interpolation

Prolongation/Interpolation, in the multigrid context, is an operator used to transfer error approximation from coarse grid to fine grid. It can be of any order but even the simplest, linear interpolation for example, works quite effectively.

3.1.3 Restriction/Projection

As the interpolation operator is used to transfer the error approximation from a coarse grid to a fine grid, an operator with the reverse or counter effect that transfers the residual vector from fine grid to coarse grid is called a restriction/projection operator. The most obvious example for such an operator is the so called injection whereas a more elaborate alternative operator is the full weighting or weighted average.

3.2 Multigrid Cycles

Multigrid schemes available within CITCOM at the end of this phase (phase 2) are described in this section. The first two schemes implemented in CITCOM are known as multigrid V-cycle and W-cycle schemes. The next two schemes are known as Full Multigrid or FMG schemes, these can also be referred to as F-cycle schemes. Based on V-cycle and W-cycle within the FMG scheme, these are referred as FMG(V) and FMG(W) schemes respectively.

3.2.1 V-cycle

Starting at the finest grid, the V-cycle scheme involves a number of relaxation steps followed by computation of a residual vector which is than transferred to the next coarser grid with the help of a restriction operator. This procedure is repeated until the coarsest grid with a relatively few grid points (in comparison to the finest grid) is reached. This scheme then works its way back to the finest grid while employing the correction just computed to the next fine grid which is transferred by means of the prolongation operator. This procedure is repeated until the finest grid is reached. At this point one iteration of the V-cycle is completed. A graphic representation of a V-cycle iteration is shown in figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Multigrid V-cycle Scheme

After each completed iteration of the V-cycle scheme, convergence of the global problem is examined. If a pre-defined convergence criteria is satisfied, the procedure is terminated. If not, this V-cycle scheme is repeated until convergence is reached or otherwise the procedure is terminated.

3.2.2 W-cycle

Figure 3.2: Multigrid W-cycle Scheme

The W-cycle scheme is similar to the V-cycle scheme as long as the key components of the scheme namely relaxation/correction, restriction and prolongation operations and their functionality is concerned. The only difference, in its simplest form, is that the convergence of the global problem is examined after the V-cycle iteration and this is repeated twice to make it a W-cycle scheme as shown in figure 3.2.

3.2.3 FMG Cycles

Full Multigrid (FMG) schemes, FMG(V) based on V-cycle and FMG(W) based on W-cycle, work exactly is the same way as V-cycle and W-cycle schemes respectively. The difference lies in the iteration which includes all grid levels in the case of V-cycle and W-cycle schemes in contrast to the iteration just over two coarsest grid levels at the beginning and this extends itself to include the next fine grid level, one by one, until it reaches the finest grid. In other words, it starts a V-cycle (in the case of the FMG(V) scheme) over two coarsest levels and extends itself incrementally to all grid levels. Due to incremental inclusion of the next fine grid level into the V-cycle iteration that started over two coarse grid levels ago and eventually covered all grid levels (full grid), this scheme is referred as the FMG(V) scheme (also referred as F-cycle) as shown in figure 3.3. The FMG(W) scheme is not fundamentally different from the FMG(V) scheme except that it iterates like the W-cycle instead of the V-cycle as described in section 3.2.2.

Figure 3.3: FMG(V)-cycle Scheme

3.2.4 Multigrid Schemes

To summarise, at the end of phase 2 of this project, following four multigrid schemes are available to solve a variety of problems.
  1. Multigrid V-cycle scheme.
  2. Multigrid W-cycle scheme.
  3. FMG(V) scheme.
  4. FMG(W) scheme.

3.3 Model Problem

The finite element based CITCOM code[11,12,15] is designed to solve fluid flow problems with temperature and composition dependent density and viscosity. The governing equations can be described by a set of conversation equations for mass, momentum, energy and composition as:

\nabla \cdot \overrightarrow{v} = 0
\end{displaymath} (3.1)

\nabla \tau + \nabla p = \Delta \rho g \hat{z}
\end{displaymath} (3.2)

\frac{\partial{T}}{\partial{t}} + (\overrightarrow{v} \cdot \nabla) T = \nabla^{2} T + H
\end{displaymath} (3.3)

\frac{\partial{C}}{\partial{t}} + (\overrightarrow{v} \cdot \nabla) C = 0
\end{displaymath} (3.4)

In these equations, $\overrightarrow{v}$ represents the velocity field, $\tau$ the reduced stress field, $p$ the reduced pressure field, $\Delta \rho$ is the relative density dependent on temperature $T$ and composition $C$, $g$ is the gravitational acceleration, $\hat{z}$ is the unit vector in vertical direction, $t$ is the time and $H$ is the heat production rate.

Iterative MG solution methods are used to solve the Stokes equations 3.1 and 3.2, temperature equation 3.3 is solved using a simple explicit forward integration scheme and composition equation 3.4 is solved using a tracer method. Equations 3.1 and 3.2 in their discrete form can be written as:

Au + Bp = f
\end{displaymath} (3.5)

B^{T}u = 0
\end{displaymath} (3.6)

This system of equations is solved using the Uzawa iteration scheme where at each MG level equation 3.5 is solved iteratively with a Gauss-Seidel method except at the coarsest grid where it is solved using Conjugate Gradient method and equation 3.6 is applied as a constraint.

3.4 Test Problems

For the governing equations (3.1-3.4) representing the model problem, four representative test problems are considered in this section. This selection of test problems, in two and three dimensions, covers a variety of geodynamical problems related to the Earth's mantle and lithosphere such as:

These four representative test problems are described as:

  1. This "simple 2D test problem" represents time dependent (Rayleigh-Benard) convection with constant viscosity in a square box $(1/h = 1)$ with temperature fixed to zero at the top, to $\Delta T$ at the bottom and no internal heat source. However, when run for long enough, that is, thousands of timesteps on a reasonably coarse mesh, and even much more timesteps on a finer mesh, this will produce a steady-state solution if $Ra < 10^{6}$. It reflects symmetry at the side walls (i.e. $\partial_{x}T = 0$) and zero shear stress on all boundaries of the square box. The Rayleigh number is $Ra = \alpha g \Delta T h^{3}/\kappa v = 10^{4}$ [2] where $h$ is of the order of hundreds to thousands of kilometres for mantle convection.

  2. Time dependent (Rayleigh-Benard) convection with constant viscosity in a unit cube $(1/h = 1)$ with temperature fixed to zero at the top, to $\Delta T$ at the bottom and no internal heat source. However, when run for long enough, that is, thousands of timesteps on a reasonably coarse mesh, and even much more timesteps on a finer mesh, this will produce a steady-state solution if $Ra < 10^{6}$. It reflects symmetry at the side walls along the x-direction (i.e. $\partial_{x}T = 0$) and zero shear stress on all boundaries of the unit cube. The Rayleigh number is $Ra = \alpha g \Delta T h^{3}/\kappa v = 10^{4}$ [2] where $h$ is of the order of hundreds to thousands of kilometre for mantle convection. This 3D test problem is an extension of the above simple 2D test problem where a square box is stretched along the y-direction to make it a unit cube. It is referred to as a ``simple 3D test problem''.

  3. This "complex 2D test problem" is an extension of the simple 2D test problem and it represents the important geodynamical process of subduction (where two lithospheres, or plates meet, and one subducts beneath the other). This extension deals with large and sharp viscosity contrast. To model this, a temperature-dependent viscosity (with cold material being strong) of the form $\eta = A^{(E^{*}/RT)}$ with $E^{*}$ the activation energy of mantle material (around 400 kJ/mol), R is the gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. This viscosity description increases by many (30 or so) orders of magnitude when $T$ goes from a mantle temperature of $ 1350^{0}C$ down to $0^{0}C$ near the surface. As such large viscosity contrast is impractical to model correctly, the maximum viscosity is cut off to $10^{3}-10^{5}$ times the hot mantle viscosity (the latter being taken as the reference viscosity). The larger the $\eta$-contrast in the calculation, the more difficult for the code to find convergence for the Stokes equations 3.1 and 3.2. In addition, decoupling of the two converging plates requires a thin, low viscosity zone. In this test problem, this low-viscosity zone is set to have a width of tens of kilometres (compared to the full box size of thousands of kilometres), and has a viscosity similar to that of the hot mantle (even though it sits within the cold, much stronger lithosphere). This low-viscosity zone and the surrounding lithosphere form a sharp viscosity contrast.

  4. This "complex 3D test problem" has many of the same features as the complex 2D test problem. It represents a subduction setting, but one that has ceased to converge (a scenario that occurs when two continents collide, and neither of them is able to subduct). In this case the previously subducted lithosphere hangs vertically in the mantle, and eventually breaks off or diffuses away in the hot mantle. This setup is now modelled in full 3D (which is computationally more demanding), but doesn't require the weak decoupling zone so that convergence is expected to be somewhat better.

3.5 Results

This section consists of results for the test problems as described in section 3.4. Each of these test problems is solved using all four multigrid schemes available at the end of the second phase of this project. The solution times are presented in seconds for the MG schemes and the number of MPI processes used to get solution in that particular case. The times for MG schemes and the corresponding number of MPI processes are then presented graphically followed by plot in log scale to reflect parallel performance and scaling. Further interpretation of the results is provided with the help of charts representing temperature and velocity fields. These charts are plotted in the xz-plane for temperature and velocity fields for test problems in 2D. The same is repeated in the xz-plane and yz-plane for the temperature field and in the xy-plane and xz-plane for the velocity field, for test problems in 3D.

Solutions for test problems in 2D are obtained for 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 MPI processes. However, the quad core configuration of HECToR [9], that is, four cores per node have some restrictions on fitting the data to the available memory during run time. The available memory configuration of 8 GB per node or 2 GB per core on HECToR is not sufficient in the case of 2 and 4 MPI process jobs for the 2D test problems under consideration due to the increased size of sub problem per MPI process. This limits the test runs for 2 MPI process jobs to use one core per node and test runs for 4 MPI processes jobs to use two cores per node only. In all other cases four cores per node are used for test problems in 2D. Similarly, solutions for test problems in 3D are obtained for 32, 64, 128 and 256 MPI processes. Again, the memory configuration of 8 GB per node or 2 GB per core on HECToR is not sufficient in case of 32 and 64 MPI process jobs for the 3D test problems under consideration due to the increased size of sub problem per MPI process. This limits the test runs for 32 MPI processes jobs to use one core per node and test runs for 64 MPI processes jobs to use two cores per node only. In all other cases four cores per node are used for test problems in 3D.

This way, jobs using one core per node become four times as expensive and jobs using two cores per node become two times expensive as compared with jobs using four cores per node if the run is for the same length of time. This encourages us to make better use of compute resources by employing more MPI processes per node in order to take full advantage of the facility.

Before discussion about the individual test problems and results, it should be noted that first test problems in 2D and 3D are considered ``simple'' in comparison to the following two test problems which are considered relatively ``complex''. This comparison is based on the physical nature and the corresponding computational efforts required for the selected set of test problems. This selection of test problems is by choice and found to be helpful in identifying strengths and weaknesses of the MG schemes.

3.5.1 Simple 2D Test Problem

The time taken by each MG scheme to complete 100 timesteps in the case of the simple 2D test problem is presented in table 3.1. These times are plotted against the number of MPI processes in figure 3.4 (left) which shows that the V-cycle scheme is performing better when compared to the other three MG schemes for MPI processes between 2 and 32. The W-cycle scheme becomes better for 64 MPI processes. However, it is to be noted that performance of FMG(V) and W-cycle schemes are very close to each other.

Table 3.1: Time comparison of MG schemes for a simple 2D test problem
  Time (in seconds)
Number of Processes V-cycle W-cycle FMG(V) FMG(W)
2 3902 4754 4487 5987
4 1851 2264 2104 2695
8 1026 1266 1177 1515
16 523 647 613 799
32 278 354 352 479
64 182 236 265 384

Figure 3.4: Parallel performance and scaling of MG schemes for a simple 2D test problem

The FMG(W) scheme is slightly more expensive in comparison to the other MG schemes but has the same pattern. This difference in performance is expected and is due to the nature of this MG scheme. Further, plots in a log scale 3.4 (right) shows that, apart from small differences in time, all schemes behave in the same way and scale well up to 32 MPI processes. A slight deterioration in scaling for 64 MPI processes is noticeable however and it is due to the size of sub problem which becomes too small for each MPI process, just two elements per MPI process in any direction, and for this size of sub problem per MPI process, performance and scaling is well within the acceptable margins.

Figure 3.5: Temperature and velocity field charts for a simple 2D test problem

Temperature and velocity fields after the completion of 100 timesteps are shown in figure 3.5. As this is a two dimensional test problem, temperature and velocity fields can only be drawn in the xz-plane as shown.

3.5.2 Simple 3D Test Problem

This section consists of results for the simple test problem in 3D. As previously mentioned in section 3.4, this simple test problem in 3D is an extension of the simple test problem in 2D for which the results and discussion can be found in section 3.5.1.

Table 3.2: Time comparison of MG schemes for a simple 3D test problem
  Time (in seconds)
Number of Processes V-cycle W-cycle FMG(V) FMG(W)
32 21826 24656 21935 25907
44 13548 16354 13194 16736
128 5851 6674 5869 7039
256 3635 4420 3586 4641

Figure 3.6: Parallel performance and scaling of MG schemes for a simple 3D test problem

These results are for between 32 and 256 MPI processes. The time taken by each MG scheme to complete 100 timesteps for this test problem in 3D is presented in table 3.2 and is plotted against the number of MPI processes in figure 3.6 (left). This graph shows that V-cycle and FMG(V) schemes perform equally well and slightly better as expected then the corresponding MG schemes based on the W-cycle, that is, W-cycle and FMG(W) schemes.

The same graph in a log scale 3.6 (right) makes it clear that, apart from negligibly small differences in time, all schemes behave in the same way and scale well for between 32 and 256 MPI processes. For this test problem in 3D, the sub problem size per process remains of reasonable size in each case and shows no deterioration in scaling. In other words, all MG schemes scale well as the number of MPI processes are increased or the sub problem size per MPI process is reduced as long as it does not become too small as seen in case of simple 2D test problem. However, the observed bends are thought to be due to the variation in number of cores per node in use for particular jobs for between 32 and 256 MPI processes.

The temperature and velocity fields after the completion of 100 timesteps are shown in figure 3.7. Due to this being a three dimensional test problem, it is possible to draw these charts for the temperature field in the yz-plane and the xz-plane and for the velocity field in the xz-plane and the xy-plane. These charts are drawn at the surface (zero kilometres), at 400 and 800 kilometres away from the surface. As these are drawn just after completion of 100 timesteps, due to the nature of the test problem, the difference in charts is not easily distinguishable except for the velocity field charts in the xy-plane.

Figure 3.7: Temperature and velocity field charts for a simple 3D test problem
\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.temp_x0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.temp_x400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.temp_x800.100.eps}

\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.temp_y0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.temp_y400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.temp_y800.100.eps}

\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.vel_y0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.vel_y400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.vel_y800.100.eps}

\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.vel_z0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.vel_z400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bb3dFV032.vel_z800.100.eps}

3.5.3 Complex 2D Test Problem

This complex 2D test problem is very difficult to solve numerically and helped in identifying the weakness of the V-cycle and W-cycle schemes as both of these schemes failed to converge within 12 hours, the maximum allowed time for any job on HECToR. However, FMG(V) and FMG(W) schemes managed to converge for jobs comprising of between 4 and 64 MPI processes but failed for 2 MPI process jobs.

Table 3.3: Time comparison of MG schemes for a complex 2D test problem
  Time (in seconds)
Number of Processes V-cycle W-cycle FMG(V) FMG(W)
2 - - * *
4 - - 22883 23238
8 - - 14005 18396
16 - - 8934 12493
32 - - 5676 8286
64 - - 5815 7600

Figure 3.8: Parallel performance and scaling of MG schemes for a complex 2D test problem

The time taken by the FMG(V) and FMG(W) MG schemes to complete 100 timesteps in the case of this complex 2D test problem is presented in table 3.3 and plotted against the number of MPI processes in figure 3.8 (left) which shows that the FMG(V) scheme is performing better as compared to the FMG(W) scheme for between 8 and 64 MPI processes. The overall performance pattern is almost similar in both cases. In particular, performance for 4 MPI process jobs is nearly the same for both schemes but started deteriorating for 64 MPI process jobs which is acceptable partly due the decreased sub problem size per MPI process. This deterioration is worse for the FMG(V) scheme as it took more time for a 64 MPI process job than a 32 MPI process job and is elaborated in figure 3.8 (right). Apart from this, scaling for up to 32 MPI process jobs is surprisingly very good for these MG schemes.

Figure 3.9: Temperature and velocity field charts for a complex 2D test problem

Temperature and velocity fields after the completion of 100 timesteps are shown in figure 3.9. Due to this being a two dimensional test problem, temperature and velocity fields are drawn in the xz-plane only. These charts show a sharp change in phase which might be the reason for the failure of the V-cycle and W-cycle schemes to converge.

3.5.4 Complex 3D Test Problem

This complex 3D test problem is difficult to solve in comparison to the simple 3D test problem but is relatively easier to solve than the previously attempted complex 2D test problem. This test problem also helped in identifying some other aspects of the MG schemes.

Table 3.4: Time comparison of MG schemes for a complex 3D test problem
  Time (in seconds)
Number of Processes V-cycle W-cycle FMG(V) FMG(W)
32 42960 31386 26940 34940
64 * 21205 16305 22440
128 13167 8147 7166 9306
256 12031 5469 4423 6150

Time taken by all MG schemes to complete 100 timesteps is presented in table 3.4. It should be noted that the V-cycle failed to complete 100 timesteps within the permitted maximum time of 12 hours for any job on HECToR and could complete only 88 timesteps for a 64 MPI process job. This run was repeated more than once and each time it could only complete 88 timesteps in contrast to the 32 MPI process job which managed to complete 100 timesteps. This V-cycle scheme behaviour for 64 MPI process job is neither understood nor logical but found consistent for many repeated runs.

Figure 3.10: Parallel performance and scaling of MG schemes for a complex 3D test problem

These times are plotted against the number of MPI processes in figure 3.10 (left) and show that the FMG(V) scheme is performing better than any other MG scheme for between 32 and 256 MPI processes followed by the W-cycle and FMG(W) schemes leaving the V-cycle scheme at the last. Performance patterns of all schemes are very similar to each other except for the V-cycle which could not complete 100 timesteps for the 64 MPI process job and started deteriorating for the 256 MPI process job. The other three schemes scale well in contrast to the V-cycle scheme as shown in figure 3.10 (right). This scaling pattern is very similar to that of MG schemes for the simple 3D test problem.

Figure 3.11: Temperature and velocity field charts for a complex 3D test problem
\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.temp_x0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.temp_x400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.temp_x800.100.eps}

\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.temp_y0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.temp_y400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.temp_y800.100.eps}

\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.vel_y0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.vel_y400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.vel_y800.100.eps}

\includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.vel_z0.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.vel_z400.100.eps} \includegraphics[width=40mm,height=30mm]{charts/bar3dFV032.vel_z600.100.eps}

The temperature and velocity fields after the completion of 100 timesteps are shown in figure 3.11 in the yz-plane and xz-plane for the temperature field and in the xz-plane and xy-plane for the velocity field. These charts are drawn at the surface (zero kilometres), at 400 and 600 kilometres away from the surface and show changes to the temperature and velocity fields there.

3.5.5 Summary

Analysis of these results for the four representative test problems in the previous sections leads to a few observations summarised as:

3.6 Post Processing Tools

This section consists of three types of data processing tools or utilities used in this dCSE project as described below.

3.6.1 CITCOM Tools

A brief description of CITCOM post processing tools followed by their usage is given below. combcoord

This program/tool combines the local coordinates information from each partition to build the global coordinates of all nodal points at the finest level of grid.
Syntax of combcoord:
combcoord $<$inputfile$>$ combany

This program/tool combines the first column from files
$<$basename$>$.temp.$<$procID$>$.$<$timestep$>$ corresponding to each partition and builds temperature field corresponding to global node points. In these files, first column contains temperature field related data.
Syntax of combany:
combany $<$inputfile$>$ temp $<$timestep$>$
The argument temp corresponds to the part of the file name containing data, $<$timestep$>$ is the output timestep appended at the end of each output data file name. combvel

This program/tool extracts the velocity field from files
$<$basename$>$.temp.$<$procID$>$.$<$timestep$>$ corresponding to each partition and builds a global velocity field that maps to the global set of nodal points. In these files, columns 2, 3 (in 2D) and 4 (in 3D) represents the x, z, (in 2D) and y (in 3D) components of the velocity field.
Syntax of combvel:
combvel $<$inputfile$>$ $<$timestep$>$

The tools combcoord, combany and combvel use the same order to store values of coordinates, temperature and velocity fields so that the global nodal points correspond to these values correctly. The command-line parameters in all these cases have usual meanings as described:

  1. inputfile obviously stands for the input file used to run CITCOM job.
  2. temp is part of the data file name containing the information about a specific field at node points, e.g. temp stands for temperature field.
  3. timestep is the interval at which CITCOM writes data to output files. reggrid

This program/tool reads in data processed with combcoord and one of the other two programs/tools, namely combany or combvel, described above and generates output data with all necessary information about temperature or velocity for example to be used for drawing charts as shown in section 3.5
Syntax of reggrid:
reggrid $<$inputfile$>$ $<$field$>$ $<$snapshot$>$ $<$orientation$>$
$<$coordinate$>$ $<$discretization$>$ $<$discretization$>$ regvector

This program/tool does the same job as reggrid except that it adds extra directional arrows describing the direction of flow for temperature or velocity for example.
Syntax of regvector:
regvector $<$inputfile$>$ $<$field$>$ $<$snapshot$>$ $<$orientation$>$
$<$coordinate$>$ $<$discretization$>$ $<$vectorscaling$>$

In case of reggrid and regvector, most of the command-line parameters are similar and can be described as:

  1. inputfile stands for the input file used to run a CITCOM job.

  2. field is part of the data file name containing the information about a specific field at node points, e.g. temp for temperature field.

  3. snapshot stands for timestep.

  4. orientation is in x-, z-, or y- coordinate (in 2D or 3D as appropriate) which is kept fixed, so e.g. y means a plot in xz-plane.

  5. coordinate is the value of the fixed coordinate, say y 0 or z 100.

    It should be noted that in 2D the only possible option for orientation and coordinate is y 0, that is, a plot in xz-plane only.

  6. discretization: reggrid allows for separate discretizations in the two directions of the plane, while regvector uses the same for both; the value is dimensional and in kilometres.

  7. vectorscaling is a non-dimensional scaling of the size of vector: the smaller the value, the smaller the vector sizes. A typical value is 0.001.

3.6.2 Gnuplot

Gnuplot [13] is a copyrighted but freely distributed software, portable and command-line driven, used for interactive data and function plotting on UNIX, MS Windows, DOS, and many other platforms. Gnuplot supports many types of plots in 2D and 3D. It can draw using lines, points, boxes, contours, vector fields, surfaces, and various associated text. It also supports various specialised plot types. Gnuplot supports many different types of output: interactive screen terminals, direct output to pen plotters or modern printers, and output to many file formats, for example, eps, fig, jpeg, LaTeX, metafont, pbm, pdf, png, postscript, svg, etc. All graphs presented in this report in section 3.5 are drawn using Gnuplot.

3.6.3 The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)

The Generic Mapping Tools or GMT [14] is an open source collection of more than 60 programs for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc. and producing (encapsulated) postscript file illustrations ranging from simple xy plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views. GMT supports nearly 30 map projections and transformations and comes with a variety of support data. Charts given in section 3.5 are generated using a few of the GMT components which are described in table 3.5.

Table 3.5: GMT programs and their description.
Program Description
grdcontour Contouring of 2-D gridded data sets
grdimage Produce images from 2-D gridded data sets
makecpt Make color palette tables
psbasemap Create a basemap plot
psscale Plot gray scale or colour scale on maps
xyz2grd Convert an equidistant table xyz file to a 2-D grid file

3.7 Next Phase

Next phase (phase 3) of this dCSE project consists of two tasks:
  1. Mesh refinement near high viscosity gradients.
  2. Improved prolongation and restriction
These tasks are explained briefly along with some questions on implementation feasibility within CITCOM code structure.

3.7.1 Mesh Refinement

Mesh refinement in MG methods is clearly distinct from the common procedure of smoothly decreasing the element size towards the location where velocity or viscosity gradients are large. Such a method is very difficult to combine with a structured mesh that requires a nested set of MG meshes. However, MG naturally offers a different local mesh refinement method. By locally adding one or more finer layers, the resolution can locally be improved by a factor of $2$ or powers of $2$. One such possible scenario of uniform local refinement is depicted in figure 3.12(left) where only the boundary elements are refined.

Figure 3.12: Examples of uniform (left) and non-uniform (right) refinement
\includegraphics[width=65mm,height=65mm]{pictures/localrefinement.eps} \includegraphics[width=65mm]{pictures/nonuniformrefinement.eps}

The other scenario of non-uniform local refinement which is more complicated and difficult to implement is depicted in figure 3.12(right). Since the grid elements at the finer MG levels do not exist globally, these levels require some special treatment, and introduce some complexity to the solution methods as well. In order to handle this complexity there might be a need to introduce an extra layer of ``ghost nodal points'' on the interior boundaries and/or extra bookkeeping of the information at the finer grid levels which do not exist everywhere. This would increase memory requirements significantly and lead to load imbalance in most cases.

Due to importance of the local mesh refinement and the envisaged improvement it can make to the rate of convergence, the implementation of this scenario is the top priority in the next phase.

3.7.2 Improvements to Prolongation and Restriction

Restriction and prolongation operations may help to improve the rate of convergence by adopting different averaging schemes [1] as suggested in the proposal. However, studying the current implementations for restriction (based on weighted averaging) and prolongation (based on weighted interpolation), previous experience of the PI and outcome of the discussion with the PI on this topic suggests that it is highly unlikely to gain any significant advantage by implementing suggested averaging schemes over the existing implementation.

Therefore it is agreed that the work in phase 3 would concentrate on the implementation of the local mesh refinement.

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Sarfraz A Nadeem 2010-06-15