Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations



Document Title: Final Report


Authorship:  Adrian Jackson



















Date:  27th January 2012

Version: 1.0


GS2 is an initial value simulation code developed to study low-frequency turbulence in magnetized plasma. GS2 solves the gyrokinetic equations for perturbed distribution functions together with Maxwell’s equations for the turbulent electric and magnetic fields within a plasma.  It is typically used to assess the microstability of plasmas produced in the laboratory and to calculate key properties of the turbulence which results from instabilities. It is also used to simulate turbulence in plasmas which occur in nature, such as in astrophysical and magnetospheric systems.


This report describes the work of a dCSE project to optimise parts of the GS2 code.  We have worked to improve the performance of the transformation of data between the linear and non-linear parts of GS2.  This generally involves some FFT calculations along with associated data copying and MPI communications.  We have replaced the indirect addressing used in the data copying functionality with more efficient functionality.  We have also added new decomposition functionality to GS2 to reduce the amount of communications and data copying required when using none optimal process counts for a given user simulation.  The new decomposition functionality enables GS2 to efficiently use a much wider range of process count, thus providing flexibility to users to select the process count that matches the simulation, resources, and system they are using.  Furthermore, our optimisations can reduce the runtime of GS2 by up to 20% for large scale simulation, saving significant amounts of computational resources for GS2 users.

Table of Contents



Table of Contents. 3

1        Introduction. 4

1.1         GS2. 4

1.2         ingen. 5

1.3         HECToR.. 5

1.4         Problem to be tackled. 5

2        Redistribution Functionality. 6

3        Indirect Addressing. 9

3.1         Original Code. 9

3.2         Optimised Implementation. 11

3.3         Optimising c_redist_32. 14

4        Remote Data Copy. 15

4.1         Non-blocking communications. 16

4.2         Indirect addressing. 17

5        Unbalanced Decomposition. 19

5.1         Poor Decomposition Performance. 21

5.2         Optimised Decomposition. 24

6        Summary. 26

7        Acknowledgements. 28

Appendix AInput datafile. 29

Appendix BFurther optimised c_redist_32 code. 33

Appendix CWorked example of the unbalanced decomposition algorithm.. 35

Appendix DOptimised Local Copies, Optimal Core Counts and Domain Decompositions in Nonlinear GS2 Simulations  35



1      Introduction

This report documents the work performed during the dCSE project titled “Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations”.  The project, undertaken at EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, in conjunction with CCFE at Culham, aimed to improve the overall performance of the GS2 code, thereby reducing the computational resources required to undertake scientific simulations, enabling more efficient use of the resources provided by the HECToR service (and other HPC systems).

1.1    GS2

GS2 is an initial value simulation code developed to study low-frequency turbulence in magnetized plasma. GS2 solves the gyrokinetic equations for perturbed distribution functions together with Maxwell’s equations for the turbulent electric and magnetic fields within a plasma.  It is typically used to assess the microstability of plasmas produced in the laboratory and to calculate key properties of the turbulence which results from instabilities. It is also used to simulate turbulence in plasmas which occur in nature, such as in astrophysical and magnetospheric systems.


Gyrokinetic simulations solve the time evolution of the distribution functions of each charged particle species in the plasma, taking into account the charged particle motion in self-consistent magnetic and electric fields. These calculations are undertaken in a five dimensional data space, with three dimensions for the physical location of particles and two dimensions for the velocity of particles. More complete six dimensional kinetic plasma calculations (with three velocity space dimensions) are extremely time consuming (and therefore computational very costly) because of the very rapid gyration of particles under the strong magnetic fields.  Gyrokinetic simulations simplify this six dimensional data space by averaging over the rapid gyration of particles around magnetic field lines and therefore reducing the problem from six  to five dimensions (where velocity is represented by energy and pitch angle, and the gyrophase angle is averaged out). While the fast gyration of particles is not calculated in full, it is included in a gyro-averaged sense allowing lower frequency perturbations to be simulated faithfully at lower computational cost.


GS2 can be used in a number of different ways, including linear microstability simulations, where growth rates are calculated on a wavenumber-by-wavenumber basis with an implicit initial-value algorithm in the ballooning (or "flux-tube") limit. Linear and quasilinear properties of the fastest growing (or least damped) eigenmode at a given wavenumber may be calculated independently (and therefore reasonably quickly).  It can also undertake non-linear gyrokinetic simulations of fully developed turbulence.  All plasma species (electrons and various ion species) can be treated on an equal, gyrokinetic footing. Nonlinear simulations provide fluctuation spectra, anomalous (turbulent) heating rates, and species-by-species anomalous transport coefficients for particles, momentum, and energy.  However, full nonlinear simulations are very computationally intensive so generally require parallel computing to complete in a manageable time.


GS2 is a fully parallelised, open source, code written in Fortran90.   The parallelisation is implemented with MPI, with the work of a simulation in GS2 being split up (decomposed) by assigning different parts of the distribution functions to different processes to complete. 


1.2    ingen

For any given GS2 input file (which specifies the simulation to be carried out, including the domain decomposition layout) the program ingen provides a list of recommended process counts (or “sweet spots”) for the GS2 simulation to be run on, along with some other useful information on the simulation parameters provided by the user. These recommendations are calculated from the properties prescribed in the input file of the simulation to be run, and aim to split the data domain as evenly as possible to achieve good “load-balancing” (which helps to optimise the performance of the program and minimise the runtime).    The primary list of recommended process counts is based on the main data layout, g_lo, that is used for the linear parts of the simulations.  ingen also provides lists of process counts that are suitable for the nonlinear parts of the calculations (referred to as xxf_lo and yxf_lo process counts) which may differ from the process counts recommended for g_lo. 


For optimal performance with GS2, choosing a process count that is in all three of the lists of process counts that ingen provides is beneficial.  However, this is not always possible, especially at larger process counts, and in this scenario users generally choose a process count that is optimal for g_lo.


1.3    HECToR

HECToR[7], a Cray XE6 computer, is the UK National Supercomputing Service.  This project utilised both the Phase 2b and Phase 3 phases of the system.   Phase 2b XE6 system consisted of 1856 compute nodes, each containing two 2.1 GHz 12-core ‘Magny-cours’ AMD Opteron processor and 32 GB of main memory, giving 1.33 GB per core.  The nodes were coupled with Cray’s Gemini network, providing a high bandwidth and low latency 3D torus network. The peak performance of the system was 360 TFlops, and ranked 16th in the June 2010 Top 500 list.


Phase 3, the current incarnation of HECToR, uses two 16-core 2.3 GHz ’Interlagos’ AMD Opteron processors per node, giving a total of 32 cores per node, with 1 GB of memory per core. The addition of 10 cabinets (928 compute nodes) to the Phase 2b configuration increased the peak performance of the whole system to over 820 TF.


1.4    Problem to be tackled

This DCSE project follows up on findings from a previous GS2 DCSE project (“Upgrading the FFTs in GS2”) that was carried out by EPCC in 2010.  The goal of that project was to implement FFTW3 functionality and optimise the FFTs used by GS2.  During this work it was discovered that the GS2 code to transform data between layouts associated with the FFTs was   consuming a large fraction of the runtime. 


Specifically, the routines c_redist_22 and c_redist_32 were highlighted as being costly, with about 8% of runtime being spent on each (for a benchmark run on 1024 cores). These routines redistribute/rearrange data from xxf_lo to yxf_lo, and from g_lo to xxf_lo, respectively, as required for performing FFTs. This requires coordinating data to be communicated to or received from other processes, and rearranging the data that is available locally.  These routines make extensive use of indirect addressing when packing the buffers.


Indirect addressing is a form of array access where the indices of the array being accessed are themselves stored in a separate array.  Here is an example of a standard FORTRAN array access:


     to_here(i, j) = from_here(i, j, k)              code I


Similar array copying code is used in these GS2 routines, but making extensive use of indirect addressing like this:


     to_here(to_index(i)%i, to_index(i)%j) = from_here(from_index(i)%i, from_index(i)%j,        code II



Whilst such functionality is very useful in providing a simple standard interface for a program to access data stored in an array in a variety of different layout patterns (indeed this allows GS2 to rearrange data layouts without having to change any array index code at the point of use) and was common in codes exploiting vector architectures, this functionality does introduce additional computational costs, and in particular the memory access cost of this array transformation on modern computing hardware increases significantly.


In the traditional example (code I) the code requires one memory load (from_here(i, j, k)) and one memory store (to_here(i, j)) (assuming the indexes i, j, and k are stored in cache or registers on the processor).  With the indirect addressing functionality (code II) six memory loads are required (one for each index look-up and one to retrieve the data in from_here) and one memory store.  Given that undertaking memory operations is very costly on a modern processor (compared to performing computation), and given that accesses like these take a significant part of the routines highlighted as being costly in GS2, this is evidently impacting performance.


In this report we:


2      Redistribution Functionality

GS2 supports six different data layouts for the g_lo datatype array containing the perturbed distribution functions for all the plasma species. These layouts are: ”xyles”, ”yxles”, “lyxes”, “yxels”, “lxyes”, “lexys”. The layout can be chosen at run time by the user (through the input parameter file). 


Each character in the layout represents a dimension in the simulation domain as follows (the name in brackets is the variable name used for the dimension in the code)

·                  x: Fourier wavenumber in X (ntheta0)

·                  y: Fourier wavenumber in Y (naky)

·                  l: Pitch angle (nlambda)

·                  e: Energy (negrid)

·                  s: Particle species (nspec)


The layout controls how the data domain in GS2 is distributed across the processes in the parallel program, controlling the order in which individual dimensions in the data domain iterate in the compound index that will be  distributed (split up) across the processes.  For instance, in the “”xyles” layout the species index, “s”, iterates most slowly, and “x” iterates most rapidly,  whereas in the “lexys” “s” iterates most slowly and the pitch angle index, “l”, iterates most rapidly..


Linear calculations with GS2 are performed in k-space using the g_lo layout as this is computationally efficient.  The nonlinear terms, however, are more efficiently calculated in position space.  Therefore, when GS2 undertakes a nonlinear simulation, it computes the linear advance in k-space, and the nonlinear advance in position space. While the majority of the simulation is in k-space, each timestep there are FFTs into position space, to evaluate the nonlinear term, and an inverse FFT to return the result into k-space.  Whilst users need not concern themselves with these implementation details, this use of both k- and position space can impact on performance, depending on the number of processes used in the parallel computation. 


In the linear part of calculations GS2's distribution functions are parallelised in k-space, using the GS2 g_lo data layout. The non-linear parts of calculations, which require FFTs, use two different data distribution layouts,  namely xxf_lo and yxf_lo.  These are required for the two stages (one for 1D FFTs in x, the other for 1D FFTs in y)of each of the forward and inverse FFTs


Practically the GS2 data space is stored in a single array, but it can be considered conceptually as a 7 dimensional data object. Five of the dimensions are the previously discussed x,y,l,e,s, the other two are ig (the index corresponding to the spatial direction parallel to the magnetic field) and isgn (isgn corresponds to the direction of particle motion in the direction parallel to the magnetic field, b; for GS2 isgn =1 represents particles moving parallel to b, and isgn=2 represents particles moving antiparallel to b). In this report we study the following three distribution layouts of the distribution function in GS2:


GS2 uses a dealiasing algorithm to filter out high wavenumbers in X and Y, which is a standard technique to avoid non-linear numerical instabilities in spectral codes. g_lo contains the filtered data, which has lower ranges of indices in X and Y than in the xxf_lo and yxf_lo layouts. This means that after the yxf_lo stage the amount of data is larger than at the g_lo stage (approximately 2¼ times larger).


The functions we have considered for optimisation are the routines c_redist_22 and c_redist_32 and their inverse versions c_redist_22_inv and c_redist_32_inv,  which perform the data transformations required for the FFTs.   The evaluation of each 2D FFT requires  transformations, or redistributions, to be undertaken in two phases.  Firstly, c_redist_32 transforms the data from the three index g_lo data structure into the two index data structure xxf_lo which is used for the first FFT in x.  Later c_redist_22 performs the additional transpose required for the FFT in y, converting from the intermediate xxf_lo data structure to the yxf_lo layout.    After the computation of the nonlinear terms in real space, the transformations and FFTs must be performed in reverse using the _inv routines to obtain the nonlinear term in k-space.


Within the redistribution routines there are two types of functionality, to perform local and remote copies.  The local copy redistributes any data which will belong to the same process in both data layouts, and remote copy redistributes the data that must be communicated between different  processes (including collecting the data to be sent to each process in a buffer, sending the data to that process, and unpacking all received data into the local data array).


Initial benchmarking of the code using a representative benchmark case (see the GS2 input file in appendix A) produced the following performance figures on HECToR Phase2b (where the times are seconds):

Number of Cores:






Local Copy






Remote Copy






Local Copy






Remote Copy






Local Copy






Remote Copy






Local Copy






Remote Copy





Table 1: Initial Benchmarking of the redistribution functionality (using the “xyles” layout and running for 500 iterations)



These results showed that:

·         Local copy parts of the routine dominate performance of those routines for lower core counts. 

·         At larger processor/core counts, e.g. 1024 cores, the remote copy functionality significantly affects performance, especially for c_redist_32.


In section 3 we describe our efforts to optimise the local copy parts of these routines by replacing the currently implemented indirect addressing functionality.  Section 4 outlines our approaches at optimisation of the remote copy code by introducing non-blocking communications and by replacing some of the indirect addressing functionality.  Section 5 describes further optimisations of the data decompositions used in GS2.


3      Indirect Addressing

As previously discussed indirect addressing, where the indexes used to access an array of data are themselves stored in a separate array, is heavily used in GS2 to perform the data redistributions required to undertake the 2D FFTs that compute the nonlinear terms.  As indirect addressing can be costly, both in terms of the impact on computational time and memory consumption, we looked to replace this functionality with a more direct approach to improve the performance of the local copy parts of GS2.  The next subsection outlines the original functionality in the code. The subsections that follow outline our new optimised code and the performance improvements that were achieved.

3.1    Original Code

The indirect addresses used in the redistribution in GS2 are constructed using the following code (in the source file gs2_transforms.fpp):


Indirect addresses for the _22 routines (in subroutine init_y_redist):


do ixxf = xxf_lo%llim_world, xxf_lo%ulim_world

   do it = 1, yxf_lo%nx

      call xxfidx2yxfidx (it, ixxf, xxf_lo, yxf_lo, ik, iyxf)

      if (idx_local(xxf_lo,ixxf)) then

         ip = proc_id(yxf_lo,iyxf)

         n = nn_from(ip) + 1

         nn_from(ip) = n

         from_list(ip)%first(n) = it

         from_list(ip)%second(n) = ixxf

      end if

      if (idx_local(yxf_lo,iyxf)) then

         ip = proc_id(xxf_lo,ixxf)

         n = nn_to(ip) + 1

         nn_to(ip) = n

         to_list(ip)%first(n) = ik

         to_list(ip)%second(n) = iyxf

      end if

   end do

end do


Indirect address for the _32 routines (in subroutine init_x_redist):


do iglo = g_lo%llim_world, g_lo%ulim_world

   do isign = 1, 2

      do ig = -ntgrid, ntgrid

         call gidx2xxfidx (ig, isign, iglo, g_lo, xxf_lo, it, ixxf)

         if (idx_local(g_lo,iglo)) then

            ip = proc_id(xxf_lo,ixxf)

            n = nn_from(ip) + 1

            nn_from(ip) = n

            from_list(ip)%first(n) = ig

            from_list(ip)%second(n) = isign

            from_list(ip)%third(n) = iglo

         end if

         if (idx_local(xxf_lo,ixxf)) then

            ip = proc_id(g_lo,iglo)

            n = nn_to(ip) + 1

            nn_to(ip) = n

            to_list(ip)%first(n) = it

            to_list(ip)%second(n) = ixxf

         end if

      end do

   end do

end do


The from_list and to_list data structures are created on initialisation for each of the xxf_lo and yxf_lo data formats (where they are called to and from rather than to_list and from_list), and are dynamically allocated for each process by iterating through the whole data space and calculating which indexes will be sent from and received by a given process.


We can see from the above functionality that the to and from address lists are constructed together, but using different functionality.  In both cases there is a loop across the full set of points defined by the lower and upper bounds xxf_lo%llim_world and xxf_lo%ulim_world.  These variables store the lower and upper bounds of the compound index in the xxf_lo data structure, which are the same for all processes and defined within a function called init_x_transform_layouts (in the file gs2_layouts.fpp) as follows:  


xxf_lo%llim_world = 0

xxf_lo%ulim_world = naky*(2*ntgrid+1)*2*nlambda*negrid*nspec - 1


The parameters used in the calculation of xxf_lo%ulim_world are defined in the GS2 input file.  The inner loops do not change their bounds for the iterations of the outer loop and are also the same for all processes.


Within the main loops there is a function call and then two if branches: one to set the indices for the to array; and the other to set the indices for the from array.  The indices are assigned as elements of the to_list(ip)%first and to_list(ip)%second  arrays, with each process in the program having these arrays pointing to different ranges of indices (i.e. if we look at to_list(ip)%first(n) the ip represents a particular process number and the n represents how many entries for this processor have currently been assigned).  The indirect addresses constructed here in the from_list and to_list variables are then stored as a redist_type variable r via a call to the init_redist subroutine (in redistribute.f90). 


These indirect addresses are then used in c_redist_22 routine as follows (contained within source file utils/redistributed.f90):


do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn

to_here(r%to(iproc)%k(i), &

             r%to(iproc)%l(i)) &

             = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), &


end do


c_redist_32 is similar, but with the added complication that it reduces 3 indices to 2 indices in the copy:


do i = 1, r%from(iproc)%nn


             r%to(iproc)%l(i)) &

     = from_here(r%from(iproc)%k(i), &

                 r%from(iproc)%l(i), &


end do


A more optimal loop for c_redist_22, with a rather more efficient structure, would be the following:


do i = 1, upperi

do j = 1, upperj

to_here(i,j) = from_here(i,j)

     end do

end do


Such a structure requires only one memory load (the from_here(i,j) part), one memory store (for the to_here(i,j) part), a counter increment (do j), and a loop counter comparison for each loop operation.  This would be much more efficient than the c_redist_22 loop which performs five memory loads and one memory store plus one loop increment and one loop counter comparison.  This, along with the possibility for enabling better cache re-use (based on spatial or temporal locality), shows the potential for optimising these loops by replacing the indirect addressing with direct addressing.


3.2    Optimised Implementation

In optimising the implementation for local copies, we exploited the fact that   the indirect addresses from_list and to_list  (constructed as described in Section 3.1)  have their indices  set to the same value (ip=iproc). 


 With these equalities we can reduce the use of indirect addressing by using an initial ixxf or iglo value (provided by the existing to and from arrays already calculated in the code), and working through the existing loops (the it loop for c_redist_22 and the ik and iyxf loops for c_redist_32) using the simple rules that are currently used with those loops.


The only other functionality required is loop termination, or upper bounds, to enable proper termination of the loops in the situation where the theoretical data space for processes is larger than the actual data space assigned to each process (this is dealt with in the existing indirect addressing code by comparing computed indices with the appropriate %ulim_proc values, and this is what we do as well).  


Using these different functional aspects it was possible to construct the following replacement code for the c_redist_22 local copy functionality:


i = 1

do while (i .le. r%from(iproc)%nn)

   itmin = r%from(iproc)%k(i)

   ixxf = r%from(iproc)%l(i)

   ik = r%to(iproc)%k(i)

   iyxf = r%to(iproc)%l(i)

   it_nlocal = (yxf_lo%ulim_proc+1) - iyxf

   itmax = min((itmin-1)+it_nlocal,yxf_lo%nx)

   do it = itmin,itmax

      to_here(ik,iyxf) = from_here(it,ixxf)

      iyxf = iyxf + 1

      i = i + 1

   end do

end do


And likewise for the c_redist_32 local copy functionality the following code can be constructed that removes most of the original indirect addressing functionality:


i = 1

nakyrecip = naky

nakyrecip = 1/nakyrecip

f2max = r%from_high(2)

do while(i .le. r%from(iproc)%nn)

   f2 = r%from(iproc)%l(i)

   f3 = r%from(iproc)%m(i)

   t1 = r%to(iproc)%k(i)

   do while (f2 .le. f2max)

      f1 = r%from(iproc)%k(i)

      t2 = r%to(iproc)%l(i)

      thigh = ceiling(((xxf_lo%ulim_proc+1) - t2)*nakyrecip)

      thigh = thigh + (f1-1)

      fhigh = min(thigh,r%from_high(1))

      do k = f1,fhigh

         to_here(t1,t2) = from_here(k,f2,f3)

         t2 = t2 + naky

         i = i + 1

      end do

      if(thigh .gt. r%from_high(1)) then

         f2 = f2 + 1


         f2 = f2max + 1

      end if

   end do

end do


The above code is longer and more complex than the original local copy code, but it avoids needing to use indirect addressing by computing the address indices directly. The innermost loop is compact in both subroutines, i.e. for c_redist_22:


   do it = itmin,itmax

      to_here(ik,iyxf) = from_here(it,ixxf)

      iyxf = iyxf + 1

      i = i + 1

   end do


and for c_redist_32:


   do k = f1,fhigh

      to_here(t1,t2) = from_here(k,f2,f3)

      t2 = t2 + naky

      i = i + 1

   end do


If  the it and k loops are sufficiently large, then the new routines  should outperform the old code,  as they  have only one memory load, one memory store and a number of counter increments.


Benchmarking the new local copy functionality with the test case that was used for to gather the original performance data gave the following results:

Number of Cores:






Original Code






New Code






Original Code






New Code







Original Code






New Code






Original Code






New Code





Table 2: Performance results from the optimisation of the indirect addressing in the local copy code (using the “xyles” layout for 500 iterations)


We can see that for three of the four routines (the exception being c_redist_32) the new local copy code is approximately 40-50% faster than the original code.

Whilst we have replaced most of the indirect addressing in the original local copy code, we have not replaced it entirely.  Indirect addressing is still used to obtain the indices of the start and finish of our loops in the new code.  To completely remove the indirect addressing (and the to and from data structures) the code would have to be altered to calculate and store the minimal set of indices required by our optimised code (i.e. the from and to values at the starts of the loops we have constructed).  This is possible, by modifying the init_x_redist and init_y_redist functionality to only store the minimal set of indexes required (although we have not currently performed this refactoring).


3.3    Optimising c_redist_32

c_redist_32 and c_redist_32_inv both use the same loop functionality, so it is perhaps surprising that the inverse routine sees performance benefits from the optimisations we have carried out whilst the forward routine does not.  The only differences between these two routines are the following data accesses:


      c_redist_32:     to_here(t1,t2) = from_here(k,j,f3)

      c_redist_32_inv: to_here(k,j,f3) = from_here(t1,t2)


This suggested that the performance issue may be associated with how memory is accessed/written in the two routines.  We investigated the data access patterns of the c_redist_32 routine and found that in this loop to_here strides across the slowest index t2, for instance:


t1  t2     k    j  f3

66  40492  10   1  41108

66  40524  11   1  41108

66  40556  12   1  41108

66  40588  13   1  41108

66  40620  14   1  41108

      …..           ..          .      ……


The difference between c_redist_32 and c_redist_32_inv is that the strided access in c_redist_32_inv is in the memory read (the right hand side of the equals sign) whereas it is a memory write for c_redist_32.


Any memory access pattern where the slowest index is iterated through, rather than the fastest index, is going to produce non-optimal performance. Such degradation of performance is more severe for  memory writes than it is for memory reads, as a memory write miss (such as the one experienced in c_redist_32) will trigger a “write allocate” where data is first loaded from memory into cache, then modified, and then written back to memory.   A read miss is less punishing, as then the data is only read from memory into cache (so only requires one access to main memory rather than the two accesses to main memory for the write miss).


Interestingly, the same functionality is used in c_redist_22 and c_redist_22_inv, but we do not see the large performance penalty for the strided write in c_redist_22 that we see in c_redist_32.  Comparing the _32 and _22 routines another significant difference is apparent.  In c_redist_32 the t2 index is incremented by naky (which was 32 for the input data set we were using) each iteration.  In c_redist_22 the t2 index is incremented by only 1 each iteration.  It is therefore likely that the combination of the write allocate functionality and the larger stride through the slowest index of the array is more severely disrupting the use of the memory cache  in c_redist_32 compared to the other routines.


Therefore, we optimised the local copy for c_redist_32 to improve on this memory access pattern, by accessing memory as follows:


t1  t2     k    j  f3

66  40492  10   1  41108

67  40492  10   1  41109

68  40492  10   1  41110

69  40492  10   1  41111

      …..           ..          .      ……


Where the memory write is now accessing memory in the most optimal order and the less punishing memory read is accessing memory more inefficiently (incrementing through the slowest index, f3) but in a similar way to the other redistribute routines.


However, the functionality we constructed depends on the “layout” chosen for the GS2 simulation, which makes the code appear significantly more complicated than the first optimised code.  The new optimised code is included in Appendix B, and the benchmark results from this code are shown in the following table:

Number of Cores:







Original Code






1st New Code






2nd New Code





Table 3: Performance results from the new optimisation of the c_redist_32 indirect addressing local copy code (using the “xyles” layout for 500 iterations)


With this additional optimisation, c_redist_32 achieves the same performance enhancement as was obtained for the other local copy routines.


As we now have different optimisation routines for the c_redist_32 and c_redist_32_inv functionality we have included both in GS2 and added some auto-tuning functionality to the code to ensure the best performance is achieved.   The first time the optimised local copy routines are used the auto-tuning functionality runs the different optimised local copy routines and times how long they take.  It then selects the fast routine and uses that for the rest of the execution of GS2.


4      Remote Data Copy

As highlighted in the initial performance evaluation outlined in Section 2, and in the performance evaluation of the optimised local copy code outlined at the end of Section 3, whilst the local copy code dominates the performance of the redistribute routines for small numbers of processes (for the test case we used it dominates performance at 512 processes and below), the remote copy unsurprisingly starts to dominate at larger core counts.


We examined the remote copy code and identified two potential areas for optimisation. 

1.       Blocking MPI communications (MPI_Send and MPI_Recv) are used to transfer data between processes for the redistribution between FFT and Real space.  To avoid deadlock in the MPI code half the processes call these communications in one order (send then receive) and the others call them in the reverse order (receive then send).  The use of blocking MPI communications can introduce unnecessary synchronisation overheads with processes waiting on messages from other processes.

2.      The second area for potential optimisation is in the code that packs and unpacks data to be sent and received between processes.  The remote copy code uses the same indirect addressing functionality as the original local copy code.  Indirect addressing optimisations may therefore yield performance improvements, as for the local copy code.

4.1    Non-blocking communications

We replaced the existing blocking communications with equivalent non-blocking communications.  The original code took the following form (in simplified pseudo code):


Loop through all the processes in the simulation, i


     Half the processes do this


           Check if I have data to send to i

                collect data into a buffer

                send data to i


           Check if I have data to receive from i

                receive data into a buffer

                put received data into main data structure



     The other half of processes do this


           Check if I have data to receive from i              

receive data into a buffer

                put received data into main data structure


           Check if I have data to send to i

                collect data into a buffer

                send data to i


End Loop


We have replaced this with the following code (in pseudo code form) for both c_redist_22 and c_redist_32 (the same is possible for the inverse routines but they do not account for significant amounts of time so it was not implemented for this exercise):


do i = 0, nproc - 1

if(have data to receive from process i)

           post non-blocking receive for data from i

     end if

end do


do i = 0, nproc - 1

     if(have data to send to process i)

           collect data into a buffer

           start non-blocking send of data to i

     end if

end do


do i = 1, number of non-blocking communications

     wait on any non-blocking communication finishing

     if(non-blocking communication was a receive)

           put received data into main data structure a

     end if

end do


The functionality does require some extra data structures to be created to enable the non-blocking communications to proceed (buffers for data to be stored in).


Benchmarking this new functionality at 1536 and 2048 process counts gave the following results:


Number of Cores:

1536 (yxles)

2048 (xyles)











Original Code







New Code









Original Code







New Code







Table 4: Timings for the remote copy functionality; a comparison of the original MPI functionality and the new non-blocking MPI functionality (using 1000 iterations)


We did not expect this code to adversely impact performance, and were surprised that using non-blocking communications increases the runtime of these routines in some scenarios.  There are a number of possible explanations for this.  Firstly, whilst the original pattern of executing sends and receives appears straight forward, the mixing of different processes send and receiving is actually quite sophisticated, employing a “red-black” tiling type selection of processes and alternating the selection through the iterations of the communication loops.


Secondly, a side effect of the non-blocking functionality we are using may be to force all the processes to communicate at the same time causing contention for the network resources on the nodes in the system.  The original functionality, where alternate processes are sending and receiving, may have resulted in less contention on the network.  


4.2    Indirect addressing

The remote copy code uses indirect addressing to pack data into a buffer to be sent to another process and unpack received data into the main data structure.  Exactly the same indirect addressing arrays are used.  For instance, for the sending data in c_redist_32 the following code is used:


if (r%from(ipto)%nn > 0) then

   do i = 1, r%from(ipto)%nn

      r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(r%from(ipto)%k(i), &

                                    r%from(ipto)%l(i), &


   end do

   call send (r%complex_buff(1:r%from(ipto)%nn), ipto, idp)

end if


However, it is not possible here to simply replicate the functionality from the local copy indirect addressing optimisation as that relied on both the ipto and ipfrom indexes being equal to iproc for the indirect addressing loop (i.e. the data is being sent and received on the same process, local copying).  With the remote copy functionality this assumption does not hold so it is necessary to add extra functionality to calculate the range of data to be copied from the available data (either the existing from%k and from%l or to%k, to%l, and to%m values).   GS2 includes functions to enable the calculation of a from index using a to index and vice versa, and these can be used to calculate the data ranges.  Using such functionality the following routines were constructed to replicate the remote data copies in c_redist_22:


iyxfmax = (ipto+1)*yxf_lo%blocksize

do while(i .le. r%from(ipto)%nn)

   itmin = r%from(ipto)%k(i)

   ixxf = r%from(ipto)%l(i)

   call xxfidx2yxfidx(itmin, ixxf, xxf_lo, yxf_lo, ik, iyxf)

   itmax = itmin + (iyxfmax - iyxf) - 1

   itmax = min(itmax, yxf_lo%nx)

   do it = itmin,itmax

      r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(it, ixxf)

      i = i + 1

   end do

end do


t1 = r%to(ipfrom)%k(i)

t2 = r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)

iyxfmax = (iproc+1)*yxf_lo%blocksize

do while (i .le. r%to(ipfrom)%nn)

   t2max = mod(t2,yxf_lo%nx)

   t2max = t2 + (yxf_lo%nx - t2max)

   t2max = min(t2max,iyxfmax)

   do while(t2 .lt. t2max)

      to_here(t1,t2) = r%complex_buff(i)

      t2 = t2 + 1

      i = i + 1

   end do

   t1 = r%to(ipfrom)%k(i)

   t2 = r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)

end do


and likewise for c_redist_32:


f1 = r%from(ipto)%k(i)

f2 = r%from(ipto)%l(i)

ixxfmax = ((ipto+1)*xxf_lo%blocksize)

do while(i .le. r%from(ipto)%nn)

   f3 = r%from(ipto)%m(i)                 

   call gidx2xxfidx(f1,f2,f3,g_lo,xxf_lo,it,ixxf)

   f1limittemp = (ixxfmax-ixxf)/tempnaky

   f1limittemp = ceiling(f1limittemp)

   f1limit = f1limittemp - 1

   imax = i + f1limit

   do while(i .le. imax)

      r%complex_buff(i) = from_here(f1,f2,f3)

      f1 = f1 + 1

      i = i + 1

      if(f1 .gt. r%from_high(1) .and. f2 .lt. r%from_high(2)) then

         f2 = f2 + 1

         f1 = r%from(ipto)%k(i)

      else if(f1 .gt. r%from_high(1) .and. f2 .eq. r%from_high(2)) then


      end if

   end do

   f1 = r%from(ipto)%k(i)

   f2 = r%from(ipto)%l(i)

end do


ntgridmulti = (2*ntgrid)+1

ig_max =  naky*ntgridmulti

t1 = r%to(ipfrom)%k(i)

t2 = r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)

t2ixxfmax = (iproc+1)*xxf_lo%blocksize

do while (i .le. r%to(ipfrom)%nn)

   remt2max = mod(t2,ig_max)

   remt2max = ntgridmulti - ((remt2max*ntgridmulti)/ig_max)

   t2max = t2 + (remt2max*naky)

   t2max = min(t2max, t2ixxfmax)

   do while(t2 .lt. t2max)

      to_here(t1,t2) = r%complex_buff(i)

      t2 = t2 + naky

     i = i + 1

   end do

   t1 = r%to(ipfrom)%k(i)

   t2 = r%to(ipfrom)%l(i)

end do


This functionality was benchmarked against the original code with the following results:

Number of Cores:

1536 (yxles)

2048 (xyles)










Original Code







New Code








Original Code







New Code







Table 5: Timings for the remote copy functionality; performance comparison of the original data copy code in the remote data copy part of the redistribute functionality with a new optimised version (using 1000 iterations)


It is evident from these results that the optimisation of the c_redist_22 code has been (relatively) successful with a reduction in the runtime.  However, the c_redist_32 has not been successful, with the new code increasing rather than reducing the runtime of these routines.  This is similar to the local copy optimisation attempts, where the first set of optimisations were successful for all routines except c_redist_32.  It is not entirely clear why the optimisation is not successful in this case but the c_redist_32 is more complicated than the c_redist_22 functionality, and any performance gain from the new code is dependent on the inner loops being sufficiently large to mitigate these complications.  If the amount of data copied in these loops is not large then the functionality added to replace the indirect addressing functionality could adversely affect the performance.  Further investigation of this code and its performance would be beneficial, especially looking at the possible implementation of similar optimisations to those we applied on the c_redist_32 indirect addressing functionality of the local data copy.


5      Unbalanced Decomposition

As previously described, GS2 is generally run on a “sweet spot” number of cores for theg_lo decomposition. Whilst the sweet spots provided by the ingen program represent optimal process counts for the g_lo data space the same is not necessarily true for the other layouts, xxf_lo and yxf_lo, as these split the simulation data in different ways to the g_lo layout.  More specifically, it can be possible to choose a process count for the parallel program that is good for the linear computations but significantly increases the amount of communication required to undertake the non-linear calculations.


The decomposition of data for each process is currently simply calculated by dividing the total data space by the number of processes used.  So the g_lo blocksize for each process is calculated using a formula like this:


(naky*ntheta0*negrid*nlambda*nspec)/nprocs + 1


with the yxf_lo blocksize calculated as follows:


(nnx*(2*ntgrid+1)*isgn*nlambda*negrid*nspec)/nprocs + 1


and the xxf_lo blocksize as follows:


(naky*(2*ntgrid+1)*isgn*nlambda*negrid*nspec)/nprocs + 1


The 1 inside the bracket and the + 1 at the end of each blocksize calculation ensures that even when the data domain does not split exactly across the number of processes available, it will be totally allocated by rounding up the blocksize.   However, this approach can lead to the situation where the data domain does not exactly divide across the large number of processes and  where some processes are left empty having  no assigned data (at least for some of the data decompositions).


Furthermore, the layout that users specify for a fully non-linear simulation can also affect the parallel performance of GS2.  Transforming data from xxf_lo to yxf_lo involves swapping data from the x and y data dimensions.  If the x and y data dimensions are not split across processes in the parallel program then these transforms simply involve moving data around in memory on each process.  However, if the x or y data dimensions are split across processes then these swapping of data will involve sending data between processes, functionality which is typically more costly than moving data locally.  The number of processes used for a simulation, and the layout chosen, can affect whether the x and y data dimensions are split across processes or kept local to each process.


For instance, with the xyles layout the s, l, and e data dimensions (nspec, nlambda,negrid) will be split across processes before the y and x dimensions for the g_lo data space.  However, if the lexys layout is used then x and y will be split directly after s has been split up, meaning that data will be sent between processes at a much smaller number of processes than with the xyles layout imposing a significant performance cost on the program.  


The current version of ingen provides both the suggestions of optimal processor counts for the main data layout (g_lo), and for the xxf_lo and yxf_lo data layouts.  Therefore, for optimal performance for a given simulation it is always best to choose a process count that is good for all three data layouts wherever possible.  However, there are times when it is not possible to do this (for instance above 1024 processes for the example outlined in Appendix A), and so we have created new functionality that provides more optimal data distributions for xxf_lo and yxf_lo in the scenario where the chosen process count is not currently optimal.


The redistribute functionality that we have been optimising in this work undertakes the task of transforming the distribution of the simulation data from k-space to real space to enable the FFTs required for the non-linear terms to be computed.  This two stage process involves moving from:

·       g_lo, where ig and isgn are guaranteed to be local on each process (i.e. each process has the full dimensions of ig and isgn for a given combination of x,y,l,e,s)  to xxf_lo  where x is guaranteed local (i.e. each process has the full dimension of x for a given combination of y,ig,isgn,l,e,s)

·        and finally from xxf_lo to yxf_lo, where y is guaranteed local (for any given combination of x,ig,isgn,l,e,s). 


When running GS2 on large numbers of processes (above l*e*s processes) an unavoidable amount of data communications required to achieve this, particularly to move from g_lo to xxf_lo (i.e. move from ig,isgn local to x local) as xxf_lo  at such large  process counts will have to split up isgn (and possibly ig depending) whereas these data dimensions are not split up in the g_lo layout.


However, the amount, and complexity, of the communications required for the redistribution will depend on the degree of  splitting of data across processes.  If the data dimensions to be redistributed are only split across pairs of processes in a balanced fashion then the number of messages required will be lower than if the data is split up across three or four different processes.


Furthermore, if the decomposition is undertaken optimally it should be possible to ensure than in the redistribution between g_lo and xxf_lo (i.e. the c_redist_32 functionality) keeps both x and y as local as possible therefore reducing or eliminating completely the communication cost of the xxf_lo to yxf_lo step (the c_redist_22 functionality).


5.1    Poor Decomposition Performance

If we consider layouts “xyles” or “yxles”, if a user chooses process counts suggested by the ingen program, the indices l,e,s will be well distributed for the g_lo data space.  Any recommended process counts that exceeds the product les, will be an integer multiple j * les, and will have l,e,s maximally distributed.  At such process counts, the xxf_lo layout will also have l,e,s maximally distributed. Therefore, the remaining elements of the xxf_lo compound index (naky,(2*ntgrid+1),isgn) must be distributed over j processes. While isgn has a range of 2, the allowed range for ig is always  an odd number which commonly does not factorise well (or may even be prime). We will see shortly that this can lead to blocksizes for xxf_lo and yxf_lo that have unfortunate consequences for communication.

Figure 1: Example of how the data will be distributed between 4 processes, when the allowed range for naky is divisible by two. The colour indicates the process-id to which each piece of data is assigned.

Figure 1 shows the situation where the three indices (naky,(2*ntgrid+1),isgn) can be evenly divided across four processes, which is only possible if naky (Y) is even. If, on the other hand,  naky were odd, the work would not divide evenly over 4 processes, as indicated  in Figure 2.  This results in most processes being allocated the same amount of data, but can very easily result in the situation, especially for large problems and process counts, where one or more of the last processes in the simulation will have little or no work assigned to them (i.e. their allocated blocksize will be small or zero). While for large task counts this will not result in a significant load imbalance in the computational work, it can dramatically increase the level of communication that is required in the redistribution routines between xxf_lo and yxf_lo.


Figure 2: Example of a decomposition that does not evenly split. In this example process 0 gets more than ½ of the first box, and process 1 is then assigned some data points from the second box. When all the data from the first two boxes are assigned, process 3 will still require data from the next pair of boxes, as indicated by the small box to the right of the main picture.


We now consider the amount of data that must be passed between different processes during the transformation between xxf_lo and yxf_lo. Figure 3 illustrates what happens when both indices split evenly across the processes, clarifying that only a small amount of the data held by a process needs to be transferred between neighbouring processes.



Figure 3: Example of the data to be transferred between cores when transposing from xxf_lo to yxf_lo. For xxf_lo, the lower ranking process holds the blue data and the shaded region. The higher ranked process holds the red data. During the transformation the shaded region needs to be transferred from the lower to the higher rank. There is a similar region in the bottom rear of the cube, not visible in the figure, which needs transferring from the higher ranking to the lower ranking process.



Figure 2 showed that, if xxf_lo or yxf_lo data spaces do not divide evenly across all processes, the equal blocksizes allocated to each process will ensure all the data is allocated, but not that all processes will be allocated data.  The number of idle processes can be calculated in the following equation:



Similarly the idle processes when using yxf_lo can be determined as follows:



If the numbers yxf_idleprocs and xxf_idleprocs differ significantly, it can easily be shown that large MPI messages will be required in the transforms between xxf_lo and yxf_lo.  Figure 4 demonstrates clearly how the amount of data to be sent to a different process increases linearly with increasing task number. If the difference between yxf_idleprocs and xxf_idleprocs is larger than 1, the highest ranking processes (those of rank k and above in Figure 4) will have to transfer all of their data to different processes. Where the difference is less than one, all processes will keep some of their data.


Figure 4: Example of the data redistributions required when xxf_lo and yxf_lo have different numbers of idle processors. The colours label the data regions that are stored by each processor in xxf_lo.


5.2    Optimised Decomposition

If the decomposition used is undertaken optimally it should be possible to ensure that the redistribution between g_lo and xxf_lo keeps X and Y as local as possible and thereby reduces or eliminates completely the MPI communication in the xxf_lo to yxf_lo step.


Therefore, we have deliberately created unbalanced decomposition functionality to optimise the data communications in mapping from the xxf_lo and yxf_lo data layouts.  The modified code replaces the current code that calculates the block of xxf_lo and yxf_lo owned by each process, moving from a uniform blocksize to two different blocksizes for process counts where the data spaces that preserve locality in x or y do not exactly divide by the number of processes used.


The new, unbalanced, decomposition uses the process count to calculate which indices can be completely split across the processes. This is done by iterating through the indices in the order of the layout (so for the xxf_lo data distribution and the “xyles” layout this order would be s,e,l,isgn,ig,Y) dividing the number of processes by each index until a value of less than one is reached. At this point the remaining number of processes is used, along with the index to be divided, to configure an optimally unbalanced decomposition, by deciding on how to split the remaining indices across the cores that are available. If this index dimension is less than the number of cores available, then the index dimension is multiplied by the following index dimension until a satisfactory decomposition becomes possible.

A worked example of the new decomposition algorithm is provided in Appendix C.


This new functionality was benchmarked using two layouts (xyles at 2048 processes and yxles at 1536 processes), with the results shown in the following table.  For the yxles layout the computational imbalance created by the new code (the difference between the small and large blocks) is approximately 5% and for xyles it is approximately 7%.  This means that there is a 5% or 7% difference in the amount of computational work that is performed in the non-linear calculations between processes with the small and large blocks.


Number of Cores:




1536 unbalanced




2048 unbalanced


Local Copy






Remote Copy






Local Copy






Remote Copy






Local Copy






Remote Copy






Local Copy






Remote Copy





Total Calculation Time





Table 6: Performance comparison of the code with and without the new unbalanced decomposition functionality (using 10000 iterations)


We can see from the results that the unbalanced decomposition can significantly improve the performance obtained from the code.  Concentrating on the “yxles” 1536 results it is evident that moving from the original to the unbalanced code the cost of the remote copy functionality for the c_redist_22 subroutines has been significantly reduced (in fact almost removed altogether).  This is also mirrored in the corresponding inverse routine, and there are also reasonable reductions in remote copy time for the c_redist_32 routine and its inverse.  This is balanced with an increase in the local copy cost when using the unbalanced optimisation, indicating that the unbalanced distribution has indeed ensured that the x and y data has stayed local to processes wherever possible.  Overall the unbalanced optimisation saves around 15% of the runtime of GS2 for the yxles layout on 1536 cores.


However, if we look at the 2048 results (where the xyles layout is used) the unbalanced optimisation makes little difference to the overall runtime.  The optimisation still significantly reduces the runtime of the remote copy functionality in c_redist_22; however that functionality is much less costly for this layout and process count.  If we compare the “yxles” 1536 and “xyles” 2048 results the remote copy for c_redist_22 cost around 166 second in the 1536 case compared to around 28 seconds for the 2048 case.  Therefore, the unbalanced optimisation still does what we would expect for 2048 process using the xyles layout (i.e. significantly reduces the cost of the c_redist_22 communications) but this layout and process count has little communication in this routine in the first place so this optimisation does not have a significant impact on the overall runtime of the simulation.


To understand why there is this performance difference between the xyles and yxles layouts on these process counts we need to examine the differences between the two layouts.  Both layouts have the same blocksizes for the xxf_lo and yxf_lo data distributions (for a given number of processes). 


For “yxles” 1536 processes the original code produces a xxf_lo blocksize of 661⅓ which means that the y index is split unevenly between groups of 2 or 3 processes (661⅓ ¸ ig = 21⅓ which means that the first process has all the y indexes associated with the first 21⅓ ig then the second process has the y indexes associate with the next 9⅔ ig and then the following 11⅔ ig, and so on, iterating through isgn,l,e,s).  The actual blocksize used in GS2 must be an integer (it isn’t possible to assign a fraction of a data entry to a process) so for the data decomposition to work 661⅓ is rounded up to 662 and 662 elements are assigned to each process.  However, as this is a larger blocksize than the one actually needed in the data decomposition then not all processes will be allocated data.  The last process will have no data in the xxf_lo data distribution, and the second to last process will only have a partial block of data.  These two factors together mean that for “yxles” on 1536 processes there is a large amount of data transfer required (as illustrated in Figure 4).


However, for 2048 processes the blocksize of 496 maps exactly to 2048 processes so all processes have the same amount of data, and furthermore the y index is split evenly across pairs of processes so the amount of data that has to be communicated is much smaller and only needs to be transferred between pairs of processes.  This leads to “xyles” 2048 processes having a much lower communication requirement for the redistribution functionality than “yxles” 1536 processes.  Indeed, at 2048 processes with the xyles layout there is no need for the unbalanced optimisation as the decomposition is already adequate, although the unbalanced decomposition functionality does not damage the performance either.


The unbalanced decomposition functionality also has the benefit of extending the range of optimal process counts for a given GS2 simulation.  As previously discussed users generally select process counts for GS2 from the output of the ingen program.  This considers the factors of each of the layout variables separately, in the order specified by the chosen layout, and uses those to construct a list of process counts that match those factors.  The unbalanced decomposition means that the list of suitable process counts can be much wider, including the factors of a combination of the layout variables.  Not only does this provide users with a wider range of process counts to use, which can enable more efficient use of different HPC resources (there is more scope to matching to the available resource configuration i.e. number of cores per node, number of available nodes, etc…), but also can reduce the runtime of the simulation by enabling the selection of a more efficient layout and process count.  An example of this is shown in Table 7 where the performance of GS2 is shown with and without the unbalanced functionality for the yxles layout.  We can see good performance improvements from using the unbalanced decomposition, however the table also demonstrates that further optimisations can be achieved from using from the yxles layout to the xyles layout when using the unbalanced decomposition, even though 1536 processes was not an optimal process count for the xyles layout with the original GS2.


Process Count

yxles, original decomposition

yxles, unbalanced decomposition

xyles, unbalanced decomposition





Table 7: Performance improvement from using the unbalanced decomposition and enabling different process counts for a given layout. 

6      Summary

We have undertaken a number of different optimisations on the GS2 simulation code to improve the parallel performance and both allow the code to scale more efficiently to larger numbers of cores and to complete simulations quicker and therefore use less computational resources (HECToR AUs) for any given scientific simulation.


Our primary focus was to improve the performance of the local data copies associated with the data transform between the linear and non-linear calculations in GS2.  We achieved this by replacing costly indirect addressing functionality by direct access mechanisms reducing the cost of the routines performing the local data copies by around 40-50%.  This optimisation has the most significant impact on performance at lower process counts, as at larger core counts there is less data on each processor to be kept local in the transformation, and therefore the performance is more influenced by remote copies.


Following this optimisation we focussed on the remote copy functionality associated with the same data transform.  However, our optimisation attempts were not successful for this particular functionality.


Finally, we were motivated to investigate optimising the data decompositions used for the non-linear calculations.  We discovered that the current functionality that creates the data decomposition can lead to significant performance degradation through increasing the amount of data to be transferred between processes for the transform by a very large amount.  We implemented a new unbalanced decomposition that allocated slightly different amounts of data to each process, in order to alleviate large communication costs observed at large processes.


Combining these optimisations (the local copy optimisation that optimises performance for local process counts and the unbalanced optimisation that can optimise performance for higher process counts) we have been able to reduce the overall runtime of the code by up to 17% for a representative benchmark, as shown in the following table (where the code was run for 10000 iterations).


Number of Cores:



Original Code



Indirect Addressing and Unbalanced Optimisations



Overall Percentage Optimisation



Table 8: Overall performance improvement of GS2 (using the “xyles” layout for 512 and “yxles” for 1536)


At 512 cores the data “xyles” decompositions xxf_lo and yxf_lo keep BOTH x and y local, so the unbalanced optimisation cannot play any useful role, but the optimisation of the indirect addressing is still beneficial providing a 7% performance improvement.  At 1536 cores for “yxles” both the unbalanced optimisation and the indirect addressing optimisation are beneficial, giving a total improvement of 17% in the overall runtime of the simulation, despite the fact that the unbalanced decomposition has introduced around 5% load imbalance into the simulation.  In addition to this, using the “xyles” layout at 2048 with all the new functionality we have created reduces the runtime by just under 20%, a significant saving of computational resources when considering the 75 Million AUs that have been or will be used by GS2 users on HECToR.


Furthermore, it is likely that the unbalanced decomposition approach will be applicable to other scientific simulation codes where both real space and k-space data domains are used.


The redistribution functionality that we have optimised is also used in other parts of GS2, particularly in the collision functionality within the code.  Whilst we have not studied that during this project it is likely that the local copy optimisation we undertook during this work will be applicable to the part of GS2 that deals with the collision operator and therefore that further performance optimisation could be achieved by removing indirect addressing from this part of GS2 as well.


Furthermore, removing indirect addressing from the model collision operator functionality should also enable the code to be refactored to remove the majority of the data structures required for the indirect addressing functionality, hence saving valuable memory.


The new functionality developed in this dCSE project has been undertaken using a branch in the main GS2 SVN repository.  All the new code is available to the GS2 developers and they are currently working to integrate this branch with the main GS2 trunk to ensure these developments can be exploited by all GS2 users, including sister-codes AstroGK and Trinity (which runs GS2 in parallel in multi-scale plasma simulations).  We have also produced some separate documentation on the GS2 layouts and how to use the new GS2 functionality; including extending the ingen tool that is used in conjunction with GS2 to ensure that GS2 is used in an optimal manner.


7      Acknowledgements

This work was supported by Colin Roach at CCFE and Joachim Hein at EPCC, The University of Edinburgh.


This project was funded under the HECToR Distributed Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Service operated by NAG Ltd. HECToR – A Research Councils UK High End Computing Service - is the UK's national supercomputing service, managed by EPSRC on behalf of the participating Research Councils. Its mission is to support capability science and engineering in UK academia. The HECToR supercomputers are managed by UoE HPCx Ltd and the CSE Support Service is provided by NAG Ltd.


Appendix AInput datafile






 rhoc = 0.4

 ntheta = 30

 nperiod= 1




 beta = 0.04948

 zeff =   1.0

 TiTe = 1.0




 collision_model = 'none'





 itor = 1

 iflux = 1

 irho = 3

 ppl_eq = .false.

 gen_eq =  .false.

 vmom_eq = .false.

 efit_eq = .true.

 gs2d_eq = .true.

 local_eq = .false.

 eqfile = 'equilibrium.dat'

 equal_arc = .false.

 bishop = 1

 s_hat_input = 0.29

  beta_prime_input = -0.5

 delrho = 1.e-3

 isym = 0

 writelots = .false.








 write_ascii = .false.

 print_flux_line = .true.

 write_flux_line = .true.

 write_nl_flux = .true.

 write_omega = .false.

 write_omavg = .false.

 write_phi =.true.

 write_final_moments = .false.













 nsave=         500


 nwrite=        100

 navg=          200


 omegatol=  1.0e-5

 omegatinst = 500.0




 ngauss = 8

 negrid = 8

 Ecut   = 6.0

 advanced_egrid = .true.




 boundary_option= "linked"

 gridfac=   1.0




 !restart_file= "nc/"

 ginit_option= "noise"

 phiinit=   1.e-6

 chop_side = .false.









 y0 = 10

 ny = 96   

 nx = 96   

 jtwist = 2 




 fphi= 1.0

 fapar= 0.0

 faperp= 0.0

 delt= 1.0e-4

 nstep= 500

 wstar_units = .false.




 nspec=  2




 type  = 'ion'

 z     = 1.0

 mass  = 1.0

 dens  = 1.0

 temp  = 1.0

 tprim = 2.04

 fprim = 0.0

 vnewk = 0.0

 uprim = 0.0




 fexpr  = 0.45

 bakdif = 0.05




 type  = 'electron'

 z     = -1.0

 mass  = 0.01

 dens  = 1.0

 temp  = 1.0

 tprim = 2.04

 fprim = 0.0

 vnewk = 0.0

 uprim = 0.0




 fexpr= 0.45

 bakdif=  0.05








 npadd = 0

 alknob = 0.0

 epsknob = 1.e-5

 extrknob = 0.0

 tension = 1.0

 thetamax = 0.0

 deltaw = 0.0

 widthw = 1.0








cfl = 0.5







 delt_adj = 2.0

 delt_minimum = 1.e-8









 layout = 'xyles'

 local_field_solve = .false.




Appendix BFurther optimised c_redist_32 code


    t1upper = ubound(to_here,1)

    f3upper = ubound(from_here,3)


    tempnaky = naky

    innermaxmultiplier = xxf_lo%ulim_proc+1


    select case (layout)

    case ('yxels')

       f3maxmultiple = xxf_lo%naky*xxf_lo%ntheta0

       f3incr = xxf_lo%naky

    case ('yxles')

       f3maxmultiple = xxf_lo%naky*xxf_lo%ntheta0

       f3incr = xxf_lo%naky

    case ('lexys')

       f3maxmultiple = xxf_lo%nlambda*xxf_lo%negrid*xxf_lo%ntheta0

       f3incr = xxf_lo%nlambda*xxf_lo%negrid

    case ('lxyes')

       f3maxmultiple = xxf_lo%nlambda*xxf_lo%ntheta0

       f3incr = xxf_lo%nlambda

    case ('lyxes')

       f3maxmultiple = xxf_lo%nlambda*xxf_lo%naky*xxf_lo%ntheta0

       f3incr = xxf_lo%nlambda*xxf_lo%naky


       f3maxmultiple = xxf_lo%ntheta0

       f3incr = 1

    end select


    i = 1

    iglomax = ((iproc+1)*g_lo%blocksize)

    t1test  = ((xxf_lo%ntheta0+1)/2)+1

    do while(i .le. r%from(iproc)%nn)


       f1 = r%from(iproc)%k(i)

       f2 = r%from(iproc)%l(i)

       f3 = r%from(iproc)%m(i)

       t1 = r%to(iproc)%k(i)

       t2 = r%to(iproc)%l(i)


       outerf3limit = f3 + f3incr

       do while(f3 .lt. outerf3limit)


          iincrem = i


          innermaxrealvalue = (innermaxmultiplier-t2)/tempnaky

          innermax = ceiling(innermaxrealvalue)-1

          if(f2 .eq. 2 .and. (f1+innermax) .gt. ntgrid) then

             innermax = i + (ntgrid - f1)

          else if((f2 .eq. 1 .and. innermax .gt. (((2*ntgrid)+1)+(ntgrid-f1)))) then

             innermax = i + ((2*ntgrid)+1) + (ntgrid - f1)


             innermax = i + innermax

          end if


          do while(i .le. innermax)


             f1 = r%from(iproc)%k(i)

             f2 = r%from(iproc)%l(i)

             f3 = r%from(iproc)%m(i)

             t1 = r%to(iproc)%k(i)

             t2 = r%to(iproc)%l(i)


             startf3 = f3

             f3max = ((f3/f3maxmultiple)+1)*f3maxmultiple

             f3max = min(f3max,iglomax)

             do while (f3 .lt. f3max)

                to_here(t1,t2) = from_here(f1,f2,f3)                  

                f3 = f3 + f3incr

                t1 = t1 + 1

                if(t1 .eq. t1test) then

                   t1 = t1 - xxf_lo%ntheta0 + xxf_lo%nx

                end if

                iincrem = iincrem + 1

             end do


             i = i + 1


          end do


          if(i .lt. r%from(iproc)%nn .and. iincrem .lt. r%from(iproc)%nn) then

             f1 = r%from(iproc)%k(i)

             f2 = r%from(iproc)%l(i)

             t2 = r%to(iproc)%l(i)         

             f3 =  startf3 + 1


             f3 = outerf3limit

          end if


       end do


       i = iincrem


    end do



Appendix CWorked example of the unbalanced decomposition algorithm


To illustrate the unbalanced decomposition algorithm with an example, for the benchmarking in this document we have generally been using the following parameters:

·         y = 32

·         ig = 31

·         isgn = 2

·         l = 32

·         e = 8

·         s = 2


For the xxf_lo data distribution, using 1536 processes, the unbalanced code does the following:

·         1536 ¸ s = 768

·         768 ¸ e = 96

·         96 ¸ l = 3

·         3 ¸ isgn  = 1.5, this is not whole so carry isgn forward

·         3 ¸ isgn  * ig  < 1, this is the point to create the unbalanced blocks


The unbalanced block sizes are then created using the remaining number of processes (3) and the index(s) to be split (isgn  * ig  =  62), as follows:

·         62 ¸ 3 = 20⅔

·         This gives two sizes, 20 and 21.  We have 3 blocks required, one of 20 and two of 21 provide the 62 required

·         20 and 21 are then used to calculate the xxf_lo blocksize by multiplying the remaining indexes (those not split) by the two blocks calculates

·         Blocksize 1 = 20 * y = 640

·         Blocksize 2 = 21 * y = 672

·         The original blocksize for this example is 662

·         The new blocksize is 640 for ⅓ of the processes and 672 for ⅔ of the processes

·         Original data domain was y * ig * isgn * l * e * s = 1015808

·         1015808 / 1536 = 661⅓ = original blocksize = 662

·         640 * (⅓ * 1536) + 672 * (⅔ * 1536) =  1015808

·         The new blocksizes exactly decompose the data domain over the number of processes used.



Appendix DOptimised Local Copies, Optimal Core Counts and Domain Decompositions in Nonlinear GS2 Simulations

The updated GS2 code has been altered to allow users to select whether to use unbalanced decompositions or not.  With this new functionality the user should select a processor count that is optimal for the linear calculations and utilise the unbalanced optimisation code within GS2 by setting the following variables in the parameters input file (in the section &layouts_knobs):


unbalanced_yxf = .true.

max_unbalanced_yxf = 0.15

unbalanced_xxf = .true.

max_unbalanced_xxf = 0.15


The value 0.15 using for the two max_unbalanced_* parameters sets the maximum amount of unbalance allowed in the decompositions; 0.15 sets this as a maximum of 15% but this can be chosen by the user (a default of zero is set if nothing is chosen by the user which forces the unbalanced code not to be used, and the maximum is 1.0).  This enables users to cap the amount of computational imbalance that is introduced into the code to address these performance issues to ensure that the performance improvements achieved through the unbalanced functionality and not negated by the added computational imbalance.


The ingen utility that accompanies GS2 has also been updated to ensure that those core counts that it suggests (those optimal for the linear calculations) that are not optimal for the nonlinear calculations are annotated with suggestions for the flags to set in the input file to activate the required unbalanced functionality.


The new optimised local copy functionality can be enabled or disabled using the following variable in the parameters input file (in the section &layouts_knobs):

opt_local_copy = .true.


If this parameter is set to .false. or omitted from the parameter input file then the optimised local copy functionality is not used.  If it is set to .true. then the optimised local copy will be used.