Developing Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Parallelism for Fluidity-ICOM - Next Generation Geophysical Fluid Modelling Technology

Xiaohu Guo a

Gerard Gorman b
Michael Lange b
Andrew Sunderland a
Mike Ashworth a

aAdvance Research Computing Group,
Computational Science & Engineering Department,
Science and Technology Facilities Council,
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD UK

bApplied Modelling and Computation Group,
Department of Earth Science and Engineering,
Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK

Summary of the Project Progress

In order to further develop Fluidity-ICOM (build upon finite element methods and anisotropic unstructured adaptive meshing) to run efficiently on supercomputers comprised of NUMA nodes, mixed mode OpenMP/MPI parallelism has been implemented in Fluidity-ICOM. Benchmarking has already shown that the two dominant simulation costs are sparse matrix assembly, and solving the sparse linear systems defined by these equations. The thread-level parallelism of sparse matrix assembly kernels has been realised through well established graph colouring techniques to remove the data dependencies in matrix assembly, which allow very efficient parallelisation with OpenMP. In the sparse solver we have utilized threaded HYPRE and the ongoing threaded PETSc branch which results in improved performance compared to pure MPI version. Various NUMA optimizations have also been implemented. The profiling and the benchmark results of matrix assembly on the latest CRAY platforms show that the best performance can be achieved by pure OpenMP within node.

The following list highlights the major developments:

Key words:  Fluidity-ICOM; FEM; OpenMP; MPI; NUMA; Graph Colouring;

1 The Fluidity-ICOM dCSE project

The Fluidity-ICOM (Imperial College Ocean Model 1 ) dCSE project commenced on 1st October 2010 and is scheduled to end on the 31st September 2012. This highly collaborative project also involved Gerard Gorman from Applied Modelling and Computation Group (AMCG), Imperial College London.

Fluidity-ICOM 2 is an open source partial differential equation simulator build upon various finite element and finite volume discretisation methods on unstructured anisotropic adaptive meshes It is being used in a diverse range of geophysical fluid flow applications. Fluidity-ICOM uses three languages (Fortran, C++, Python) and uses state-of-the-art and standardised 3rd party software components whenever possible.

Using modern multi-core processors presents new challenges for scientific software such as Fluidity-ICOM, due to the new node architectures: multiple processors each with multiple cores, sharing caches at different levels, multiple memory controllers with affinities to a subset of the cores, as well as non-uniform main memory access times.

Because of this, there is a growing interest in hybrid parallel approaches where threaded parallelism is exploited at the node level, while MPI is used for inter-process communications. Significant benefits can be expected from implementing such mixed-mode parallelism. First of all, this approach decreases the memory footprint of the application as compared with a pure MPI approach. Secondly, the memory footprint is further decreased through the removal of the halo regions which would be otherwise required within the node. For example, the total size of the mesh halo increases with number of partitions (i.e. number of processes). It can be shown empirically that the size of the vertex halo in a linear tetrahedral mesh grows as O(P1.5), where P is the number of partitions. Finally, only one process per node will be involved in I/O (in contrast to the pure MPI case where potentially 32 processes per node could be performing I/O on Phase 3 of HECToR), which will significantly reduce the number of meta data operations on the file system at large process counts for those applications based on files-per-processes I/O strategy. Therefore, the use of hybrid OpenMP/MPI will decrease the total memory footprint per compute node, the total volume of data to write to disk, and the total number of meta data operations given Fluidity-ICOMs files-per-process I/O strategy.

For modern multi-core architecture supercomputers, hybrid OpenMP/MPI also offers new possibilities for optimisation of numerical algorithms beyond pure distributed memory parallelism. For example, scaling of algebraic multi-grid methods is hampered when the number of subdomains is increased due to difficulties coarsening across domain boundaries. The scaling of mesh adaptivity methods is also adversely effected by the need to adapt across domain boundaries.

Portability across different systems is very critical for application software packages, and the directives based approach is a great way to express parallelism in a portable manner. It offers potential capabilities to use the same code base to explore accelerated and non-accelerator enabled systems because OpenMP is expanding its scope to embedded systems and accelerators.

Therefore, there is strong motivation to further develop OpenMP parallelism in Fluidity-ICOM to exploit the current and future architectures.

However, writing a truly efficient OpenMP/MPI scalable OpenMP program is entirely non-trivial, despite the apparent simplicity of the incremental palatalisation approach. This paper will demonstrate how we tackle the race conditions and performance pitfalls during OpenMP palatalisation.

The Fluidity-ICOM dCSE project mainly comprised of three work packages (referred to as WP1, WP2, WP3), WP1 MPI/OpenMP mixed-mode parallelisation of the Finite Element Assembly Stage in Fluidity. WP2 Optimizing HYPRE Library usage for Linear Preconditioners/Solver for large core counts. WP3 Final benchmarking including using threaded PETSc branch

The remaining part of this report is organised as follows: In the next section we describe the Fluidity-ICOM matrix assembly and greedy colouring method in detail. Section 2.2 will address thread safe issues during OpenMP palatalisation and performance gained by solving these issues. Section 2.5 discusses how we optimise memory bandwidth which is particularly important for OpenMP performance. The last section 2.5 contains a conclusion, a discussion about further work

With these developments, Fluidity/ICOM is now able to exploit HECToR to its full capacity, and assist in the enabling of our leading-edge technology to tackle grand-challenge science applications

2 WP1: MPI/OpenMP mixed-mode parallelisation of the Finite Element Assembly Stage in Fluidity

Previous performance analysis (2) has already shown that the two dominant simulation costs are sparse matrix assembly (30%-40% of total computation), and solving the sparse linear systems defined by these equations. The Hypre librarys hybrid sparse linear system solvers/preconditioners, which can be used by Fluidity-ICOM through the PETSc interface, are competitive with the pure MPI implementation. Therefore, in order to run a complete simulation using OpenMP parallelism, the sparse matrix assembly kernel is now the most important component remaining to be parallelised using OpenMP. The finite element matrix assembly kernel is expensive for a number of reasons including: significant loop nesting, where the innermost loop increases in size with increasing quadrature; many matrices have to be assembled, e.g. coupled momentum, pressure, free-surface and one of each advected quantity; indirect addressing (a known disadvantage of finite element codes compared to finite difference codes); and cache re-use (a particularly severe challenge for unstructured mesh methods). The cost of matrix assembly increases with higher order, and discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretisations are used.

For a given simulation, a number of different matrices need to be assembled, e.g. continuous and discontinuous finite element formulations for velocity, pressure and tracer fields for the Navier-Stokes equations and Stokes flow. Each of these have to be individually parallelised using OpenMP. The global matrix to be solved is formed by looping over all the elements of the mesh (or sub-domain if this is using a domain decomposition method) and adding the contributions from that element into the global matrix. Sparse matrices are stored in PETSc’s (Compressed sparse row) CSR containers (these includes block-CSR for use with velocity vectors, for example, and DG). The element contributions are added into a sparse matrix which is stored in CSR format. A simple illustration of this loop is given in algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1. Generic matrix assembly loop
  globalt4ht@95xmatrix 0
  for e = 1 numbert4ht@95xoft4ht@95xelements do
  localt4ht@95xmatrix = assemblet4ht@95xelement(e)
  globalt4ht@95xmatrix+ = localt4ht@95xmatrix

  end for

2.1 Greedy colouring method

In order to thread the assembly loop illustrated in algorithm 1, it is clear that both the operation assembles an element into a local matrix, and the addition of that local matrix into the global matrix must be thread safe.

This can be realised through well-established graph colouring techniques (3). This is implemented by first forming a graph, where the nodes of the graph correspond to mesh elements, and the edges of the graph define data dependencies arising from the matrix assembly between elements. Each colour then defines an independent set of elements whose term can be added to the global matrix concurrently. This approach removes data contention, so called critical sections in OpenMP, allowing very efficient parallelisation.

Generally, we try to colour as many vertices as possible with the first colour, then as many as possible of the uncoloured vertices with the second colour, and so on. To colour vertices with a new colour, we perform the following steps.

  1. Select some uncoloured vertex and colour it with the new colour.
  2. Scan the list of uncoloured vertices. For each uncoloured vertex, determine whether it has an edge to any vertex already coloured with the new colour. If there is no such edge, colour the present vertex with the new colour.

This approach is called ”greedy” because it colours a vertex whenever it can, without considering the potential drawbacks inherent in making such a move. There are situations where we could colour more vertices with one colour if we were less ”greedy” and skipped some vertex we could legally colour.

To parallelise matrix assembly(1) using colouring, a loop over colours is first added around the main assembly loop. The main assembly loop over elements will be parallelised using the OpenMP parallel directives with a static schedule. This will divide the loop into chunks of size ceiling (numbert4ht@95xoft4ht@95xelements/numbert4ht@95xoft4ht@95xthreads) and assign a thread to each separate chunk. Within this loop an element is only assembled into the matrix if it has the same colour as the colour iteration.

The threaded assembly loop is summarised in algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2. Threaded matrix assembly loop
  graph createt4ht@95xgraph(mesh,discretisation)
  colour calculatet4ht@95xcolouring(graph)
  kt4ht@95xcolouring = max(colour)
  globalt4ht@95xmatrix 0
  for k = 1 kt4ht@95xcolouring do
  independentt4ht@95xelements = {e|colour[e] k}
  for all e ∈ independentt4ht@95xelements do
  localt4ht@95xmatrix = assemblet4ht@95xelement(e)
  globalt4ht@95xmatrix+ = localt4ht@95xmatrix

  end for

  end for

Generally, the above colouring method tries to colour as many vertices as possible with the first colour, then as many as possible of the uncoloured vertices with the second colour, and so on. Therefore the number of elements is not balanced between each colour group. For OpenMP, its not a problem as long as each thread has enough work load. The performance is not sensitive to the total number of colour groups

2.2 Performance Improvement and Analysis for matrix assembly kernels

All performance benchmarks were carried out on the HECToR Cray XE6-Magny Cours (phase2b) and Cray XE6-interlagos (phase3). The benchmark test case used here is wind-driven baroclinic gyre. The mesh used in the baroclinic gyre benchmark test case has up to 10 million vertices; resulting in 200 million degrees of freedom for velocity due to the use of DG. The basic configuration is set-up to run for 4 time steps without mesh adaptivity. It hence considers primarily the matrix assembly and linear solver stages of a model run. The details of solving equations and configuration can be found in reference (2).

The momentum equation assembly kernel uses Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DG) and Continuous Galerkin method (CG) has been parallelised with the above-mentioned procedures. Several thread safe issues have been solved which result of a performance gain.

2.3 Local assembly v.s. non-local assembly

In PETSc, when adding elements to a matrix, a stash is used. For parallel matrix formats this provides one particularly important benefit, namely that elements can be added in one process that are to be stored as part of the local matrix in a different process. During the assembly phase the stashed values are moved to the correct processor. We name it as non-local assembly, which causes thread safe issues within the momentumt4ht@95xdg assembly loop.


Fig. 1: Wall-time for non-local and local assembly are compared. Compute nodes are 24 core Opterons (HECToR supercomputer), therefore multiply by 24 to get the number of cores).


Fig. 2: Speedup comparison between matrix local assembly and non-local assembly

Luckily, when the parameter MATt4ht@95xIGNOREt4ht@95xOFFt4ht@95xPROCt4ht@95xENTRIES is set, any MatSetValues accesses to rows that are off-process will be discarded, and the needed value will be computed locally, namely by local assembly. Figures 1 and 2 show the benchmark results comparing local and non-local assembly for the oceanic gyre test case which uses DG for momentum and CG for advection/diffusion. For low core counts the difference is negligible. This highlights the fact that the redundant calculations are not significantly impacting performance when local assembly is used. However, at higher core counts the scaling is significantly better. On 768 cores, the local assembly code is 40% faster, effectively increasing the scaling regime by a factor of two.

This makes assembly an inherently local process, therefore we can focus on optimising local (on the compute node) performance.

2.4 Thread Safe Issues of Memory Reference Counting


Fig. 3: Comparison between using critical directive and without critical directive

For any defined type objects in Fluidity-ICOM being allocated or deallocated, the reference count will be plus one or minus one. If the objects counter equals zero, the objects should then be deallocated. In general, the element-wise physical quantities should not perform allocation or deallocation in the element loop, but this is not the case in the kernels. The solution could be to either add critical directives around reference counter or move allocation or deallocation outside of element loop. We have implemented both solutions and performance comparison has been made in Figure 3. We have compared different OpenMP and MPI combinations within node. Using critical directives, pure MPI outperformed other combinations. Without using critical directives, the performance have been improved by more than 50% for 12 and 24 threads. Therefore, the mutual synchronisation directives (eg. critical) should be avoided. Moving allocation or deallocation outside of element loop has also improved the pure MPI versions performance (see 24M1T in Figure 3).

2.5 Optimisation of memory bandwidth

One of the key performance considerations for achieving performance on ccNUMA nodes is memory bandwidth. In order to optimise memory bandwidth, the following methods have been employed to ensure good performance:

Thread pinning has been used through Cray aprun with all benchmark tests. After applying the first touch policy, compared with the 12-thread runs, the wall time has been reduced from 45.127 seconds to 38.303 seconds using 12 threads on Cray XE-Magny Cours. From Figure 5 and Figure 6, the speedup has been improved up to 12 threads compared between using and without using first touch. But even after applying the first-touch policy, there is still a sharp performance drop from 12 threads to 24 threads.

Fig. 4: CrayPAT Sample Profiling Statistic of Momentumt4ht@95xDG with 24 threads
Samp%  | Samp  | Imb.  |  Imb.  |Group  
        |       | Samp  | Samp%  | Function  
        |       |       |        |  PE=HIDE  
 100.0% | 75471 |    -- |     -- |Total  
|  95.8% | 72324 |    -- |     -- |ETC  
||  14.6% | 11002 |  0.00 |   0.0% |_int_malloc  
||  13.8% | 10417 |  0.00 |   0.0% |__lll_unlock_wake_private  
||   9.7% |  7284 |  0.00 |   0.0% |free  
||   9.5% |  7172 |  0.00 |   0.0% |__lll_lock_wait_private  
||   6.4% |  4862 |  0.00 |   0.0% |malloc  
||   6.2% |  4674 |  0.00 |   0.0% |__momentum_dg_MOD_construct_momentum_element_dg  
||   4.0% |  3046 |  0.00 |   0.0% |_int_free  
||   3.2% |  2439 |  0.00 |   0.0% |__momentum_dg_MOD_construct_momentum_interface_dg  
||   3.0% |  2272 |  0.00 |   0.0% |_gfortran_matmul_r8  
||   3.0% |  2251 |  0.00 |   0.0% |__sparse_tools_MOD_block_csr_blocks_addto  
||   2.8% |  2090 |  0.00 |   0.0% |malloc_consolidate  
||   2.1% |  1574 |  0.00 |   0.0% |__fetools_MOD_shape_shape


Fig. 5: Momentum DG Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Magny Cours


Fig. 6: Advection Diffusion CG Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Magny Cours

This problem has been investigated by profiling with CrayPAT. From Figure 2.5, we can see the top costs in the Momentumt4ht@95xDG are dominated by memory allocation. As we have moved all explicit memory allocation outside of element loop, the culprit appears to be the use of FORTRAN automatic arrays in the Momentumt4ht@95xDG assembly kernel for support of p-adaptivity. There are a lot of such arrays in the kernel. Since the compiler can’t predict its length, it allocates the automatic arrays on the heap.

The heap memory manager must keep trace which parts of memory have been allocated and which parts of memory are free. In a multi-threaded environment, this task has been further complicated by multiple threads request to allocate or deallocate memory from the heap memory manager. In order to keep memory allocation thread safe, the typical solution to this is to apply the mutual synchronisation methods, eg: a single lock. In the multiple threads environments, memory allocation by all threads will be effectively serialised by waiting on the same lock.

Thread-Caching malloc(TCMalloc) 3 resolve this problem by using a lock-free approach. It allocates and deallocates memory (at least in some cases) without using locks for synchronization. This makes a significant performance boost for pure OpenMP version which is now better than pure MPI version within a compute node. Figure 5 shows that the speedup of 24 threads on Cray XE6-Magny Cours is 18.46 compared with using 1 thread for the Momentumt4ht@95xDG kernel. On the Cray XE6-Interlagos(Figure 7), the pure OpenMP still performs better than pure MPI, though the speed up of 24 threads on Cray XE6-Interlagos drop to 14.42 due to Interlagos’s memory bandwidth being much smaller than Magny Cours.

We have also compared the different combination of number of MPI tasks and OpenMP threads within Cray XE6-Interlagos compute node. From the Figure 8, we can see that 1 MPI tasks 32 OpenMP threads is competitive with 2 MPI tasks 16 Threads and 4 MPI tasks 8 OpenMP threads.


Fig. 7: Momentum DG Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Interlagos


Fig. 8: Node Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Interlagos

3 WP2: Optimizing HYPRE Library usage for Linear Preconditioners/Solver for large core counts

Fluidity-ICOM use PETSc for solving sparse linear systems. Many other scalable preconditioner/solvers can be called through PETSc interface, eg: HYPRE. Previous studies (2) have already shown that Fluidity-ICOM spend the majority of it’s run time in sparse iterative linear solvers. This work-package mainly investigate BoomerAMG from HYPRE as preconditioner as it has been fully threaded.

BoomerAMG has two phases: setup and solve. The primary computational kernels in the setup phase are the selection of the coarse grids, creation of the interpolation op- erators, and the representation of the ne grid matrix operator on each coarse grid. The primary computational kernels in the solve phase are a matrix-vector multiply (MatVec) and the smoothing operator, which may closely resemble a MatVec.

For most basic matrix and vector operations, such as MatVec and dot product has been implemented with OpenMP at the loop level. In the setup phase, only the generation of the coarse grid operator (a triple matrix product) has been threaded. Both coarsening and interpolation do not contain any OpenMP statements. The solve phase(MatVec and the smoothing operator) has been completely threaded (9).

3.1 HYPRE installation on HECToR

We have experimented several versions of HYPRE. Only HYPRE-2.9.1a is working with Fluidity without crash, which can be downloaded from PETSc website 4 . Even with this version, we still need several fixes:

HYPRE BoomerAMG is now a optional preconditioner can be setup with diamond by Fluidity users, the details can be found in the latest manual (10).

3.2 PETSc OpenMP branches

We have proposed to do benchmarking and performance analysis of Fluidity with the new mixed-mode mesh adaptivity library in our original work plan. However, due to the mesh adaptivity library not being ready for production usage we changed our plan to benchmarking with PETSc OpenMP branches instead since the majority of Fluidity-ICOM run time is spent in the sparse solvers.

PETSc consists of a series of libraries that implement the high-level components required for linear algebra in separate classes: Index Sets, Vectors and Matrices; Krylov Subspace Methods and Pre-conditioners; and Non-linear Solvers and Time Steppers. The Vector and Matrix classes represent the lowest level of abstraction and are the core building blocks of most of the functionalities.

In the PETSc OpenMP branches, the Vector and Matrix class are threaded. The Krylov subspace methods and the pre-conditioners are implemented in the KSP and PC classes. They have not been threaded explicitly since the basic algorithms, like CG and GMRES and SOR preconditioners, are based on functionality from the Mat and Vec classes, which have been threaded. Other frequently used preconditioners, such as Symmetric Over-Relaxation (SOR) or Incomplete LU-decomposition (ILU), have not been threaded yet due to their complex data dependencies. These may require a redesign of the algorithms to improve parallel efficiency (11).


Fig. 9: Performance Comparison for Pressure Poisson solver using Hypre BoomerAMG preconditoner and Fluidity Own Multigrid preconditioner on HECToR XE6-Interlagos

We have compared BoomerAMG preconditioner with Fluidity’s own Multigrid preconditioner for the pressure Poisson solver of the lock exchange test case. Figure 9 shows that BoomerAMG outperforms Fluidity’s own multigrid precondioner. Therefore, in the final benchmarking we always use BoomerAMG for Pressure Poisson solver. But for those problems in which there is a large variety in length scales, Fluidity’s own Multigrid may still be the only choice. Further investigations are required here.

3.3 WP3: Final Benchmarking and Performance Analysis

The lock exchange test case has been used here. The lock exchange is classic CFD test problem. A lock separates two fluids of different densities (e.g. hot and cold) inside a tank; when the lock is removed, two gravity currents propagate along the tank. An 3.4 million vertices mesh, resulting in 82 million degrees of freedom for velocity, has been used for the scalability analysis on large number of cores. The benchmark starts with 2 HECToR Interlargos nodes and scales up to 1024 nodes (32768 cores). The speedup are obtained with the following formula:

Sp = T2 ∕Tp

Where T2 is the wall time with 2 nodes, each node comprises 32 AMD Interlagos cores, Tp is the wall time with p nodes(P 2).

Figure 10 shows that matrix assembly scales well up to 32K cores. The speedup of mixed mode is 107.1 compare with 99.3 of pure MPI by using 256 nodes. This id due to the use of local assembly which make this part of the code essentially a local process. Hybrid mode performs slightly better than pure MPI, which can scale well up to 32K cores.


Fig. 10: Matrix Assembly Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Interlagos


Fig. 11: Pressure Solver Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Interlagos

Figure 11 describes speedup of solving pressure Poisson equation using preconditioner HYPRE BoomerAMG and solver Conjugate gradient. It indicates that pure MPI performance starts to degrade from 64 HECoR nodes (2048 cores) onwards where the hybrid mode begin to outperform pure MPI.


Fig. 12: Momentum Solver Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Interlagos

Figure 12 shows the speedup of solving momentum equation using DG with preconditioner HYPRE BoomerAMG and solver GMRES. The performance of mixed mode are comparable with pure MPI version, but pure MPI performs better than mixed mode for up to 8K cores. This is due to number of degree of freedom for velocity are 24 times bigger than pressure, there are enough work for up to 8K cores. The PETSc task based OpenMP(12) branch performs better than vector based OpenMP(11) branch.


Fig. 13: IO Performance Comparison on HECToR XE6-Interlagos

We have switched off all writes, so the only I/O is reading input including flml file and mesh files. From Figure 13, we can see that significant I/O efficiency has been achieved by using mixed mode parallelism. For example, only four process per node will be involved in I/O (with pure MPI potentially 32 processes per node are performing I/O under current Phase 3 of HECToR), which reduces the number of metadata operations on large numbers of nodes, which may otherwise hinder overall performance. In addition, the total size of the mesh halo increases with number of partitions (i.e. number of processes). For example, it can be shown empirically that the size of the vertex halo in a linear tetrahedra mesh grows proportionally as O(Pexp(1.5)), where P is the number of partitions. Therefore, the use of hybrid OpenMP/MPI will decrease the total memory footprint per compute node, the total volume of data to write to disk, and the total number of metadata operations based on the files-per-process I/O strategy.

4 Summary and Conclusions

We have focused on Fluidity-ICOM matrix assembly. Above performance results indicate that node optimisation can be done mostly using OpenMP with efficient colouring method, which avoids the use of mutual synchronization directives: eg. Critical. Regarding Matrix stashing, it does not have any redundant calculations. However, it does incur the cost of maintaining and communicating stashed rows, and this overhead will increase for higher MPI process counts. A further complication of non-local assembly is that the stashing code within PETSc is not thread safe.

Local assembly has the advantage of not requiring any MPI communications as everything is performed locally, and the benchmark results also highlights the fact that the redundant calculations are not significantly impacting performance when local assembly is used. Furthermore, the scaling of local assembly is significantly better than non-local assembly at higher core counts. This makes assembly an inherently local process. Thus focus is on optimizing local (to the compute node) performance. The matrix assembly kernels can scale well up to 32K core counts with mixed mode.

As the current OpenMP standard (3.0), which has been implemented by most popular compilers, doesn’t cover page placement at all, memory-bound applications, like Fluidity-ICOM, require explicit memory placement. Hereby it is important to make sure that memory get’s mapped into the locality domains of processors that actually accesses the data. This was achieved by implementing a first touch policy to minimize NUMA traffic across the network. Using thread pinning was then used to guarantee that threads are bound to physical CPUs and maintain locality of data access.

For Fluidity-ICOM matrix assembly kernels, the performance bottle neck becomes memory allocation for automatic arrays. Using NUMA aware heap managers TCMalloc, it makes pure OpenMP version outperform the pure MPI version.

For high core counts simulation, the I/O becomes major bottleneck for pure MPI version. Significant efficiency of I/O based on files-per-process strategy has been achieved by using mixed mode parallelism.

5 Future work

During benchmarking, we found one of many difficulties coming from decomposing mesh for high core counts. Though mixed mode have reduce quite large mount of time by reducing number of partitions. But even with 4K partitions, the decomposition of a medium sized mesh are still requiring few hours to finish. This majority time of fldecomp are spent in construction halos for each partitions. A parallel halo constructor are required here.

We will spend more efforts on solvers, we will further investigate threading preconditioner that can be called through PETsc. We currently have the access to the ongoing project about hybridize PETSc with OpenMP. This work offers potential capabilities to further increase parallel performance of Fluidity-ICOM with mixed mode MPI/OpenMP.

After this, we will investigate the fully OpenMP parallelized Fluidity-ICOM on Intel MIC and Cray XK6, which will further guide us the future development.

When the Parallel anisotRopic Adaptive Mesh ToolkIt 5 is ready for production usage, we will benchmark and optimize this threaded adaptive mesh library together with fluidity


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of a HECToR distributed Computational Science and Engineering award. The authors would also like to thank the HECToR/NAG support team for their help throughout this work. The author would also thanks Dr. Lawrence Mitchell and Dr. Michele Weiland for their valuable contributions. The author would also like to thank his colleagues, Dr. Stephen Pickles, Dr. Andrew Porter, for their valuable suggestions and discussions.

This project was funded under the HECToR Distributed Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Service operated by NAG Ltd. HECToR - A Research Councils UK High End Computing Service - is the UK's national supercomputing service, managed by EPSRC on behalf of the participating Research Councils. Its mission is to support capability science and engineering in UK academia. The HECToR supercomputers are managed by UoE HPCx Ltd and the CSE Support Service is provided by NAG Ltd.


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